Thursday, December 24, 2009

Trip to Alabama


Joe drove me to Phoenix on the 17th to fly out to Gulf Shores to see our girls and our nana girl and nana babies. Joe decided he didn't want to leave is own space environment for 3 weeks, so he decided to stay in Arizona for CHRISTmas and make new friends. We were needing some time apart anyway as being in such close quarters for over a year and being together 24/7, was starting to reach it's boiling point.
I am staying at Alisha's home for the first week, than Hayleah is flying to her dad's in Minneapolis, Minn. after Christmas. The 2nd week I will stay at Tiffany's home.

Maggie May. She is blind now and bump into things, but still my favorite nana dog! I bought her this new bed.
My daughter Alisha, my nana girl Hayleah in her school uniform, and Noah. They belong to Maggie May.
Alisha and Hayleah having a stare down. Hayleah won.
Noah in his cool dude look. Thanks Hayleah for giving up your bed and sleeping on the couch. What a sweet nana girl.
My other nana baby Lennox, Tiffany's baby.
Alisha, my 32 year old daughter. Jamie her boyfriend. Noah, Alisha and Jamie baby, and Hayleah, Alisha daughter. They are standing outside of Alisha's apartment and pond in front of her apartment.
Jamie holding being a he man.

Hayleah and Noah at their home.

My beautiful nana girl, Hayleah.
Noah out on a walk.
Alisha, Noah and Maggie May on a walk around the ponds in their apartment complex.

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