Monday, March 29, 2010

Mission Bay Beach Boardwalk


We have found that the numerous beaches in San Diego all have names and many of the businesses is that area adopt the beach name as part of their name. Today we went to Mission Bay Beach. It is just a short drive from our RV park. The trick is to find a parking place.
We are blessed with a parking spot 1 block from the Boardwalk. As we begin our walk Diane takes a picture of one of the many little sidewalks off the Boardwalk going to the residences located here.
This is a view of the Boardwalk .

This is a nice condo building with 4 units that share a small swimming pool & hot tub facing the beach.
This is a nice home with a wet bar out on their patio facing the beach.

Lots of people out enjoying the day as we are with temps in the 70's.
We find an unoccupied picnic table to have our sack lunch. Malley with her pink sun goggles on, is a big hit on the Boardwalk.
Another view of our lunch spot.
Park view of our lunch spot. Diane like to give you all the views so you can pretend you are with us. Isn't she so nice.
We begin our return to the car after lunch.
Some of these homes were for sale and had prices anywhere from 490,000 for a small condo to 16 million for a 5 bedroom home.

Behind the beach there was a small permanent amusement park area. Some rides for the kids with other carnival type activities .

Some sections of the beach were more crowded than others. This section was pretty sparse. But lots of water activity.
I think this was the 16 million dollar home.
Waiting for the perfect wave?
This is a small (run down looking) rental. There are a few of these. Makes one wonder why they don't try to fix it up a little.
There goes a pretty big sailboat.
After leaving the boardwalk we drove a couple blocks straight from the ocean to the bay with numerous sailboats tied up to buoys. These people who live in this area have it made. The ocean is on one side and the bay is a few blocks on the other side.
This looked like a small sailing school teaching people how to sail in these small sailboats in this protected harbor.

You didn't think Diane was done taking pictures of flowers & trees did you?
She liked this tree trunk with it's peeling off layers.
OK, check out this fine specimen of feathers, must be some rare exotic aquatic bird?
Here is our sailboat from earlier today coming into the harbor on the bay side, we are at. There were only 4 people on this boat. It must have automatic furling sails or this crew is going to have their hands full when they get to their buoy.
Other boats of all kinds coming and going from the harbor.More wild flowers on an island in the bay.
This is a view of some homes on the hillside across the bay from our RV park.
This is a view of some permanent homes on our side of the bay located at our RV park.
This is another view from across the small bay looking at the permanent mobile homes and homes above in the hills. You can see the RV park tucked behind the mobile homes.
This is a view of the entrance to our RV park from the city park that sits outside our park.
This is the parking lot for the city park that is just outside of our RV park. We have seen other RV's parked out here for days, so we have left our park and will try boondocking here for a few days if we don't get kicked out. See our RV and the Honda.

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