Friday, April 16, 2010

La Jolla


Our last day in San Diego, we decided to go back to La Jolla, (a community in San Diego). We didn't get to spent much time there, and it is only a few miles away up the road. I drove, because I have not driven much lately. Joe doesn't like my driving, but complains on having to do all the driving. He also gets worried that I might get to the point of being afraid to drive if I don't drive once in a while. So we trade places, me behind the wheel, and Joe being the navigator. Joe soon found out, being the navigator is a lot of work. He dropped the ball and forgot to tell me where to turn. I ended up going up this big hill, the wrong way. I kept going up the hill trying to find an area to turn around. As I drove up the hill, I told Joe sometimes when we think we made a mistake, they aren't mistakes at all. ( He was getting a little stressed about going the wrong way and I was taking my time finding a turn around place).

As we continued to climb the hill I looked in my rear view mirror and saw this gorgeous view. This beautiful home has this great view.
I told Joe, "see this wasn't a mistake, God wanted us to miss that turn so we could see this view."
I pulled the car over to take a shot of the coastline and the bay below. I'm so glad we made that mistake, or we would have missed this view. As I said, Sometimes mistakes are not mistakes at all!
As we went down the hill, I could see a place where I could drive up to see the coast line up close. I told Joe, " This is one reason I like to drive, I can pull over and stop when ever I want, instead of whizzing by because my husband is driving and in such a big toot to see everything but not enjoying any of it. Does it sound like I'm complaining about my husband. Sorry, but we all know opposites attract!
These people are what I believe is called kite surfing.
It was a beautiful sunny gorgeous day.
I got to La Jolla and parked up the street. We walked to the boardwalk and walked along the pacific.
Along the street we saw the Museum Of Contemporary Art. How do you like the art on the building?
We continued down the boardwalk, with the cool sea breeze that kept us cool and not too hot.
We watch this couple who had walked out to the the big rock. Now they were coming back across trying to balance as they walked across a rocky slippery ocean bottom and holding up their camera's. They had to stop for a while as a seal swam right past them between the two huge rocks. Wow that would have been a thrill.
We walk on down to the seal beach again. I wanted to see if the hugh seal I saw the other day was still there. I was hoping to see, if she had been pregnant, if she had had her baby. As I looked for her, I watch seals and their antics. I took a close up so you could see their arms and paws.
This one was on the rocks and would stick his head under the water for a long time trying to catch fish I guess.
I took a picture of this one because he/she had raccoon eyes.
This one was sunning her/ himself in a big hole in the rocks
on it's back.

This one laid balancing it's self on a rock and kept it's head and legs ( if that what you call them) up in the air sunning itself.
We are on the other side of the seal beach this time, on the metal boardwalk that goes out over the water. You can kind of see the crowd of people on the other side that are watching the seals.
This little seal decides he is going to climb this wall to come up and sun bath.
As he/ she starts to climb up the rocks, this seal who is all ready up here barks at it.
It stops and listens to the other seal.
But it decides to climb up anyway, so it does it's slow belly flop moves up the wall.
Almost up to the top.
But another seal barks at it, so it finally gives up and slides back into the water. Hey is this my pregnant mama seal. If it is, she seems more comfortable today and just basks in the sun. I don't see any other seals that look as big as her, so either she is just fat. or it's not her time yet!
This is a shot of a seal who is half wet and half dry. You can see they have fur when they are dry.
As we started to walk back across the metal boardwalk we see some guys getting ready to snorkel on the other side.
On the other side of the metal boardwalk people walk the beach.
The tide is coming in as the day was coming to a close.
We headed back up the street for the car. I want to get home before dark. I don't drive well in unfamiliar places, so it can be even more dangerous in dark and unfamiliar places.
We had a great time in San Diego , and I would have to pick this as my favorite place to stay so far!

1 comment:

  1. hee hee..that one seal looks like the hole was made for it!
    i know what u mean about driving can make the call as to where to stop..nice to do sometimes.
