Saturday, April 17, 2010

Lake Elsinore, CA.


We wanted to drive up the coast for a bit, but the RV Parks are very expensive on the coast, even the state parks. So instead we decided to go inland and north. The state parks that are right on the beach cost up to $60 per night with no hookups. We took Hwy. 15 north We drove up through a valley with mountains on both sides. Not sure what the green dots are on the hillside. Maybe vineyard? Houses with great views. Yellow wild flowers all along the roadside. And lots of rocky hillsides. After about 80 miles, we arrive to our next destination. Lake Park RV Park. This park has been around since the 40's. It has some year-around people. As we drive in we see the large pool we most likely won't use.Our new site had the Santa Ana Mountains to the west of us. After setting up, we checked out the park. I saw this plant someone had next to their RV. An interesting cactus. The lake was to the front of our Nest, but a row of new park model homes sat in front of us, so we got only peeks of the lake. Along the front of the lake the park had benches and gazebos. View from one of the gazebos. Lots of birds off to the west. There is a small sand bar out there that the birds seem to love.They are there every day. Mostly seagulls and some other birds. Looking back at the park from the shore of the lake. We are in the row behind these park models. Looking to the east from the gazebo. Not too many homes on the lakeshore. The homes on the hill have a great view of the lake and the Santa Ana Mountains. Years ago movie stars used to come up here to get away from the Hollywood scene and watch high speed boat races that used to be held on the lake. It is kind of a sleepy town and not too populated. View out of our nest.

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