Saturday, April 17, 2010

Laguna Beach


I tried to find a rheumatologist in San Diego, but they were all booked out for 4 weeks and more. I had to book one in Newport Beach ; up the coast from where we were in San Diego. I have been experiencing more joint problems, so I decided I had better see one, since we won't be home till fall. After the appointment, I had to get some x-rays and blood work done. Then we decided to drive down the coast to Dana Point, CA..
The coastline is so much different than the east coast that we traveled last year. Laguna Beach homes on the hillside. I love California because there is such a variety of plant life. And you know how much I like flowers and plants. Beautiful homes, beautiful plants, and flowers. Awesome weather and the ocean! If it weren't so crowded and had much less traffic, I would move here. But I guess that is why there is so much traffic, it's a great place to live. There are those green dots on the hill again. I wish I knew what that is all about. Maybe it is some kind of orchard. On our drive to Newport Beach from Lake Elsinore, we drove on Hwy 10, which has 5 to 6 lanes in each direction. It made me very nervous as these people drive very fast and bumper to bumper. We drove the Honda to Newport Beach, and I just don't feel safe in that little car after driving in the big Nest. The Honda feels so small!
On the return trip home We decided to take the two lane Hwy. 74 which winds across the Santa Ana Mtns. instead of the interstate.
Most of the scary parts are on the other side of the road coming from Lake Elsinore. Joe said it didn't even bother him a bit.
The only thing that bothered him was that there was always a string of cars behind him, wanting to go much faster then the speed limit. He would pull over once in a while and probably at least 20 cars would go by before there were no more cars. At the top we stopped to get this great view of the town of Lake Elsinore and the lake itself. Lake Elsinore. North of the lake. The lake and south of it. Half way down the mountain. The drive from Lake Elsinore to Newport Beach on the interstate took about an hour. The drive from the coast across the mountain to Lake Elsinore took about two hours. Both had lots of traffic.

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