Sunday, April 4, 2010

Little Italy San Diego


While in San Diego we wanted to see Little Italy. It is a very small section of downtown San Diego lined with authentic Italian restaurants and markets. An interesting plant I've never seen before. All the restaurants have outside patio dining. Some served with paper plates and others with fine china, white table cloths, & cloth napkins.
I liked the railing and service doorway on this place. We stopped for a slice of true Italian pizza before heading home. ( the cheep paper plate place) Malley says, " where's mine"!Every time we were downtown we saw jets flying right over the tops of the buildings. The airport is located right downtown. On the way back to the car, I wanted to try to get a picture of them flying over us. While I wait for the next plane I see these unusual flowers.Another one in a red orange color. I think I have photographed these kind of flowers before, but can not remember for sure. When you aren't waiting for the planes to go over, it is not as long a wait. I have to do something while I wait. A close up of the flower. Mean while, my husband patiently waits for his silly wife to get a picture of the next plane. Malley keeps an eye on me too. Joe said she kept barking and whining at me while she waited for my return. It's really hard to get a good shot, as you do not hear or see the plane until it is right over you. (Buildings block your view and you can't hear the jet engines until they are right above or past you. You know they move very fast when they are that close). I have a camera that you have to hold the button down for a few seconds before you get the picture, and by then the shots is gone. Mallery and Joe have waited long enough and this place is not as good a place as we have been when the jets flew over us. I wanted to go to another place to get the shot, but my husband is impatient ( according to him). Maybe next time I am here again.

1 comment:

  1. Howdee..oh the pizza must have been yummy..
    that second flower was Bird of Paradise.. my dad grows one in his greenhouse..
    looks like you are having a great time traveling..
    any satellite yet??
