Saturday, April 3, 2010

Harbor Dr. Boardwalk


Diane ran across these pictures the other day and realized she had forgotten to post that day. This was the 2ND day we were in San Diego. We decided to go walk on the boardwalk on Harbor Dr. on the San Diego Bay. We drove by here the day before when we were out driving around to check our new surroundings. Port where all the cruise's leave from. This is a tall sailboat that still goes out a few times a year. It is maintained by volunteers. This ship has been used in several movies. The ships name is the Star Of India. This is the WWII aircraft carrier Midway. It served in several major naval battles. This is a view of the other side of the ship. There are several aircraft and helecopters on the upper deck.Another view. This is a huge statue of a returning sailor kissing his girlfriend next to the Midway. A close up picture of the statue with the Midway in the background. These statues in the park depict Bob Hope entertaining troops who are recovering from their wounds. There is a tape of Bob's jokes playing on speakers next to this display. Another picture of the statue. We wondered through a shopping /park area along the harbor. We came upon these dogs (all 6 are related to each other). Hey Drew, do they look familiar? Picture of the bridge going from San Diego to Coronado. Of course there are more flowers. Another picture of those dogs taking a break in the shade, with Malley looking on from her stroller. The tree has the red flowers of the previous picture. We came across a guy who was showing his parrots to the people in the park. These parrots have been rescued from different situations. He would come up to you and put a parrot on your arm or shoulder and then walk off to do the same to some other person. He would later come back to retrieve the bird from you and then ask for a donation. Mallery is getting jealous! Her name is Ruby. Now Diane wants one of these. I said there will be no real birds in our Nest. View of the shopping/park area of the harbor. These are condo's overlooking a marina. Check out these towers. Imagine living in one of these towers and having your boat out front. Another huge tower condo overlooking the shopping area below. The top condo has a great view of the bay.This guy was doing a comedy sidewalk act for tips. He was very entertaining and drew a good crowd. Another view of the park/shopping area. Many nice restaurants also. Closeup of a cruise ship. This replica of a Pirate ship, right down to the gun portholes in the side. There were interesting modern art sculptures all around the harbor walkway. Mallery says "Its been a long day, can we go home now?"

1 comment:

  1. Oh..I love that large statue of the couple..very cool..
    and the Parrot..was so colorful..
    you sure are seeing allot..have never been there ..its on our list.
