Friday, April 2, 2010

Cabrillo Natioal Monument


This is a post of our drive up to Cabrillo National Monument in San Diego. We drove up here at the end the day last week but it was a cool day, and by the time we drove up to the high elevation it can feel down right cold. That is why we came back this day as it was much warmer.

It is a great view of the Pacific and the San Diego bay.
The Pacific Ocean.

When we first arrived at Loma Point we headed below first, as this area closes first. On our way down this road from the top, to see the shoreline in the park.
The pacific coast is so different from the Gulf and Florida shores.
Looking up to where we latter went for better vista's.
But still looking down. See the people below who have climbed down the rocks to the tidal pools.
The pacific coast is very rocky with high cliffs in most areas.
Joe always showing off! (He just wanted to see how big a splash this rock would make when it hit the water; Joe said).

Joe asked me to walk out on that rock edge for a picture. I think not!
The power of water!

The tide was out.Joe being careful not to get too close to the edge, but still tried to see below.

Joe asked me to sit on this rock for a picture. I decided this was OK.
Now looking at it from this view I am wondering if he is trying to get rid of me!
I love God's beauty.
The lighthouse up above.
Natural erosion.
Thank goodness for National Parks and the tranquility they provide us.
Then we went to the top again, to enjoy the vista's.
You can see the dogie beach across the bay entrance on Coronado Island where we had been the day before.A view of the Cabrillo National Monument.
This is where the first settler landed when discovering San Diego Bay years ago. The settler name was Cabrillo of course.
Another view of the monument with flowers of course.
We hiked up to the monument and Joe took my picture as I talk to my daughter Alisha.
View from the monument. Can you see the boats below.
A navy ship heading out to sea.
The navy ship passes a sail boat.
The light house on Old Point Loma. This light house was in service from 1855 to 1891.
View from the light house. Below is where we had been when I sat on the rock by the sea. I love our America from sea to shining sea.
This is a picture of an example of what is in the high house tower. It sits on the main floor of the light house so visitors can view it. When I took a picture of it I had not noticed the reflection of the outside fence in the front yard. Turned out to be a pretty cool picture.
Another picture of it without the reflection.
Looking out the door of the lighthouse.
Another shot looking the other direction.
The view out the window in the upper tower.

Looking up into the actual light tower at the light reflecting mirrors.
Looking down the tower stairway.

After viewing the tower, we walked down the trail and sat on a wall. I was trying to take a picture of us like the teenagers do, holding out the camera.
A nice young lady and her daughter walked by and asked if we would like her to take our picture. Her young teenage daughter took it for us. Young teenagers are good at picture taking. They get lots of practice I guess, taking their own picture.
Another navy ship leaving the bay for the sea. You can also see a very large ship in the bay.
It finally gets close enough to take a close up of it. You can also see part of the submarine base on the left.
As we head back down the road in the car we drive past the many navy barracks. (Small housing for our troops), as well as the thousands of navy war hero 's cemetery markers.
Our loved, lost, hero's have a view of their San Diego Bay,
or a view of their Downtown San Diego,
or view of their Pacific Ocean. I am in aah of the presents of love here as we walk around, and am filled with graditute and honor to our lost soldiers.
As we pass all these lost hero's my heart is humbled because of their courage and bravery. These hero's served our Nation because they loved our freedoms. They have protected their family's and others from the evil that exists in other countries. This evil wants to deceive us to believe we can have freedom without fighting for it. When I was younger I hated war and didn't believe or understand it. Today I understand that you have to fight for what you love. I for one, proudly say to all these lost hero's, " I thank and love you for your ultimate sacrificing love that gives me the freedoms I enjoy!"
Further down the road, one last view of the San Diego Bay.

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