Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Coronada Island


Today we decided to see Coronado, a peninsula of San Diego.
The view from atop the Coronado bridge. Looking out over the bay and toward downtown. The bridge out ahead of us as it curves to the right. Many sailboats in the harbor below us, with downtown San Diego across the bay. We park the car and walk a block to this park that looks back at downtown San Diego. And this park has some flowers!! Diane loves the smell of them. She says they smell like lilac's, so they probably are some kind of variety of lilacs. Malley and I can't wait to see the flowers up close!! Some beautiful townhouses or condos. Man do they have a great view! The bridge we crossed to get here in the background. A small beach area on the bay beside some restaurants and a shopping area. If you like you can come to Coronada by ferry and rent a bike to ride around. Diane liked this doorway to the front yard of some home. Nicely sculptured shrubbery with doorway into front yard. And well tended flowers. We drive around Coronado and come to the dogie beach next to the naval air base. There is a small section of the beach designated for dogs on the far north end of Coronada. And dogs there were! Big dogs. All having a great time! And little dogs. Oh, that's Malley, dipping her toes in the ocean. She hasn't touched the ocean for quite some time and seem to have fond memories. Diane thinks it is so neat that there are places that realize dogies need to be able to go to the beach too. I can't always look adorable. A girl just has to have fun sometime. Now where is my surfboard? There's dad. I'm coming dad. Nice view of downtown Coronada. Who let the dogs out huh huh. Now where did mom wander off to? Time to dry off and catch some rays. Isn't he flying a little low? Oh I forgot we are right next to the naval air base. Malley says, "boy is that loud, it hurts my ears. !" That's not an unidentified flying saucer. It is an umbrella. Time for lunch and others seem to smell it before we even open up the lid. This guy wants to know what we are having for lunch today on the beach. So does this guy, who showed up as soon as we opened the lunch box. He just sat himself down to see what was for lunch and waited to see if he could have some. Malley has decided the sun is too much and she now wants some shade time. Lucky for her I am a great sun shade provider. She also is not too happy with all the dogs hanging around trying to get her share.We eat our sack lunch on the beach and enjoy the large waves. Look there is gold mixed into the sand. We're rich! A beautiful old hotel we passed on our way back home. I guess Diane found this to be an interesting tree, unless there is something here I don't see? Oh I guess she says it's trunk and branches are twisted and cool looking. Going back across the bridge on our way home. We really enjoyed our afternoon in Coronado.

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