Monday, June 14, 2010

Kolob Terrace Road in Kolob Canyon- Zion -Part II

6/6/2010 We get back to the car, from our hike a little hot and tired and happy to have air conditioning. We continued our drive up Kolob Terrace Road. We get to a high plains area with these great mountains outlining it. Diane can't resist these flowers. She said she thinks this is a pink Sego Lily, Utah's state flower. As we round a bend we see another open valley. Interesting rock formations abound. Diane really loves these wide open plains with the mountains. She said she would love to live here, with the goats she wants to have some day, so she can have fresh goat milk. There is some lucky person who has a home behind that grove of tree near the mountains.. We park here and have our lunch. What a view!
Across the street from where we have our lunch, there is this land that sits on a hill for sell. I tell Diane she can give them a call when she wins the lottery. We continue our drive, wondering what is ahead, this is one of the great things about doing this, always wondering what is ahead. This picture is where we climbed a very steep mountain with a sheer drop off to the right. I was glad to get to the top.Diane captures these red flowers growing wild in a field along the road. At this point Diane is laying on the ground, on her side to capture this angle. At one spot Diane had me pull over and she actually laid down on the side of the road to take a picture. There were not any cars coming in either direction, but still!! At this point in our drive we come across this sign. We decide to continue on to the Kolob Reservoir and then come back to Lava Point. This was a very beautiful view as we rounded a corner and came down a small hill. We have missed the trees. We arrive at the reservoir. It is very peaceful and beautiful and the temps are quite nice compared to what is was when we started our drive. After enjoying our visit to the reservoir we return back down the road to check out Lava Point. This is the park sign at Lava Point. It shows the different mountains that are located in Zion Park off to our east. This is a very spectacular view. If you are ever in the area, this is a must drive. Diane wanted a picture of this dead tree, so I stood in for perspective. The small campground in this part of Kolob Canyon is really neat, no RV sites for our size, just size for tents, or small RVs. t The views are really great and it is so peaceful with cooler temperatures. In the picture above you can see a ridge to the left. There were house's all along the ridge. What a view they have! Another area of a forest fire, but new life emerges. This is a small lava flow that we saw along the park road. This picture doesn't do it justice. You know Diane loves birch trees! Another meadow of purple flowers. There is a such a varied landscape that is reflected on this drive, with elevations from 3550 to 8118 feet. I liked this round small mountain the sits right in front of you as you approach. We start to quickly descend toward the canyon floor on our way back. Hope you enjoyed our hike and day drive. see you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Howdee..catching up with all your blog posts..beautiful photos here!
