Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Pa'rus Trail in Zion - Dogs Are Welcome


This is our last day in the Zion area. Pets are not allowed on the shuttles or on the trails, except for the Pa'rus Trail. Mallery has had to stay home while we have been sight seeing, so today is going to be her day for sight seeing also. The Pa'rus Trail is the only trail that dogs are allowed on. It is located right next to the campground and the stream. We are not staying in the Zion National Campground because there are no hook ups, no internet connections, or cell phone service. Unfortunately this week has had record highs of 100 degrees, so we brought the stroller. As hot as it is Mallery does not last long and needs to ride for a bit. The trail is completely paved and it is 98 degrees in the full sun. It is a beautiful view of the Zion peaks. You can't go very far without having one of these fellers running across your path. They seem to like to hang out on the edges of the paved walk. Even though it was hot out Joe and I really enjoyed this hike. The trail is 3.5 miles round trip, but easy and flat. On the way back we stopped at one of the side trails to the streams. Finally we find some shade. I am happy to have my little girl with us today. I heard that the water temperature was 60 degrees last week, but with the hot weather it is at 75 degrees now. We saw a lot of people swimming in the stream. After the hike, we stopped at one of the many little shops in the towns outside the parks. "Alisha, I saw this and wanted to buy this for you, because I know you love butterflies. But unfortunately it was $3400, and It just does not fit in my budget. When I win the lottery, I'll get it for you." Joe had read about a pie that you can only get at one restaurant in town. We stopped last week, and Joe bought one piece with ice cream for $5, and we shared it. Really I ate most of it because, he was suppose to get two pieces of pie and I didn't want to share, and he didn't want to buy another for $5. Today before we left, I bought a whole pie for $12. Much better deal than what Joe paid for one. Mallery is glad to get in the air conditioning. When we get back to Hurricane, Joe needed to get something at a grocery store, so I stay with Mallery in the car. She got down on the car floor to get away from the sun. I can't get a picture of her without her tongue out. She finally lays down but continues to pant. She loves to be with us, but we should have taken her on the trail last week when the temperatures were in the 80's and 90's. After dinner we have Bumbleberry pie.

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