Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jackson Hole and Inspirational Point


We decided to go to Jackson Hole on this day. On the way in, I had Joe pull over so I could take a picture of the Teton sign. The first day we arrived I took a shot of the sign as we passed by, but the picture had 4 unknown people standing by the sign. Today we had to wait for about four groups of people to take their picture beside the sign, before I could just get a picture of the sign. Someone ask if we wanted our picture next to it, but I turned them down as it was a very windy day, and I am sure it would be a lousy picture anyway. Luckily no one was standing by the Jackson sign, so I could get it as we drove by. After walking around the town for a while, Joe found this statue and wanted a picture by it. This is the only bear I will stand by. I now understand why Jackson, WY. is called Jackson Hole. This whole town sits at the bottom of mountains. There are ski runs on the mountains in this picture.At all four corners of the city park, there are these antler arches. Really cool! Jackson is a very cute and interesting little town. Kind of expensive though.


This was our last day in the Tetons, so we decided to do another hike at Jenny Lake to a spot called Inspirational Point.
We start the trail at the Jenny Lake Visitor Center, down at the boat shuttles. We had to drive around the parking lot several times, waiting for someone to leave so we could park. It is best to get there early so you can find a parking spot. Our trail starts off with this beautiful view! There are many people on this trail, so I do not have to clap or blow my whistle. I just love the peacefulness of this lake. A few canoes out on the lake. On this part of the hike, there were all these bushes with these white flowers on them.A few steep hills, but all in all it was an easy walk. Wild columbine flowers. Before you reach inspiration point, you can take a short path to some falls. We get to a place where we think we are at Inspirational Point, and take in the views. Chipmunks were running all over the place, trying to get people to feed them. We sat down and ate our lunch, like so many other people were doing. I was a good girl this time and didn't feed the chipmunks, like some other person was. I had my thrill in Colorado, and know better now. After lunch, we see people on a trail above our location, so we realize there is more to go. Joe said this view is good enough for him, but I decide to go on up to the top. I am looking down at Joe below sitting under the tree where we had lunch. I see some women has moved in where I was sitting, while I am climbing up! I reach the top, and can see the entire lake from there. The small shuttle boat below. The trail to Inspirational Point from the visitors center is 2 some miles. I love the wave pattern lines you can see from way up here. This is a great hike and well worth the extra steps to the top. As I go back, this is the only scary part. I just stay close to the wall. Half way down I take a picture of the stream and part of the lower falls below. I met another women who was on the way down by herself, and wanted me to take a picture of her. Her boyfriend and her broke up right before the trip, and she came by herself, all the way from the Midwest on her own. She was afraid of heights, so she wanted to show her family that she climbed up to the top. She then took my picture in return. When I got back to Joe, I took a picture of him and the view, so I could show him the view he missed. We got back to the lower falls, and took a look see, and a break. I have had to go to the restroom about 30 mintutes into our hike. But there are no bathrooms around and lots of people. We are hoping when we get to the shuttle boats, there will be a bathroom there. No such luck. We had to go past the shuttle boats and farther on the trail as if we were going the other direction around the lake to find some privacy. We finally found a spot where I could relieve myself with some privacy. They need bathrooms around here for us women. They tell us to drink lots of water and then what? Then we head back to the shuttle boats to catch a ride back to the other side. Our boat name. It cost $7 a person for a one way ride. I think it is $10 for a round trip ride. A look back as we leave in the boat. A look back at the boat dock and the people who have to catch the next shuttle. We just made the cut to board. A look back trying to find Inspirational Point. Can't seem to see it. The ride was 10 minutes back to the docks. There are some people wading in the water where I waded into the other day. But they are not knee high! One last shot of the water clarity has we are about to dock.

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