Thursday, July 15, 2010

Signal Summit


After our short hike at Jenny Lake, we were headed home and saw a sign that said " The Potholes". We parked the car in the turn out and looked around. There was nothing telling anything about what a pothole was.
I saw a new flower so I took a picture.
After a short hike around a stand of trees and finding a women sleeping in the shade and seeing a man wondering out in the meadow of sage brush, we gave up and got back in our car. We headed for a turnoff that we saw earlier that said Signal Summit. The road took us up a twisting and narrow road, up for miles. It was well worth the time to drive up it.
Almost at the top you see the valley below. What a great view.
Up here there was also a sign that told about what potholes were. They are large depressions in the ground where once glaciers were before the ice melted. From way up here, we could see the potholes.
Then you walk down a path and see this magnificent site of Jackson Lake and the Tetons.
We got back in our car and went up to the top, and you can see Snake River below.I am at the top and looking straight down.
At this angle you see the valley and the rise of the mountains.

At about 2/3's of the way down, we stop at another turn out for another shot of Jackson Lake.
I zoom in and we can see Signal Mountain Campground.At the very bottom, I take a picture of the thick deep forest and the lupines in bloom.One last stop at the Scared Heart Chapel. View from the parking lot.Backside of the chapel from the parking lot.
We walk to the front of the chapel.
Inside the chapel.The beautiful stain glass in the chapel.
A sign you see all over the Tetons.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My..great photos..
    I want to be there now!
    We were there last summer..its sooo beautiful!
