Thursday, July 15, 2010

Jenny Lake Hike in Tetons


Today we are going to go on the Jenny Lake hike.
On our way we stop at the Mt. Moran turnout
As Joe heads to the sign to read about Mt. Moran, I head for some pretty wild flowers.
I love this shot of all these tiny flowers, making up the whole flower.
Mt. Moran in the middle.
Mt. Moran and all the sage brush in front of it.
We get to Jenny Lake Overlook and start walking along the trail.
Most of the walk is along the lake. The trail around the lake is 7 or 8 miles. We are just walking from the overlook to Jenny Lake Visitor Center, and then back.
It is about a mile there and a mile back.
This is a gorgeous lake.
We are about to the south end of Jenny Lake.
There are the shuttle boats that run about every 15 minutes from the south end to the west side of the lake. There are falls on the west side, as well as Inspiration Point.
The water is so clear.
We reach the south end of Jenny Lake and use the restrooms. Then we walk down to the bridge over Cotton Creek. This is a shot looking up Cotton Creek. Joe and I both said we wished that green building in the distant was our cabin.
Looking down Cotton Creek.
We then head back to the trail, to head back to the car.
As we walk back up the trail, we see another shuttle.
I just can't resist, I have to get into the water.
Burr, I am knee high in water. The temperature has averaged in the high 70's since we have been here, so the water is still cold. And the water is snow from the mountains above.
Joe sits on a boulder, while I wade in the cold lake.
This is a picture of my toes in knee high water.

I dry off my feet, and we head back up the trail.
Thank you Father for this day
At Jenny Lake Overlook we eat our sack lunch and then get back into our car.

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