Monday, July 12, 2010

Lakeshore Trail in Grand Tetons


Yes, we are still at the Tetons, at least when this picture was taken.
Here we are at site L232, with not much of a view.
But if you walk up our street a ways, you have a view of the Tetons. Our nest is there on the right. If you visit here, ask for a view if you want one. We forget to ask.
We decided to do the Lake Shore Trail that is located at the part of Jackson Lake that we visit in the evening where the mosquitoes attack us. It is a cloudy day, so we should stay cool at least. Joe put on some bug spray, but I didn't hoping they will not be out since it is late morning.
I never get tired of this view.
Lots of lupines on this trail.
The lake looks like glass.
The mosquitoes only bother if you stop too long to take a picture.
Some parts of the trail is wooded. So there is clapping going on, even though Joe makes fun of me.
There are more people on this trail than the other day.
A paintbrush flower.Close up.
View of the Tetons from a different angle and a different place, but they still look the same and amazing.
The trail is fairly short and flat, compared to yesterday's trail, with mostly lake views.
We end the trail at the Colten Bay, where many boats are parked for their stay here in the Tetons.
After our hike we drove to Jenny lake to take in the views.
Jenny Lake is much smaller than Jackson Lake. No motor boats are allowed on the lake, except the shuttle boats.

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