Monday, July 26, 2010

Lake Yellowstone Hotel & Lake Lodge


On this day, Joe and I wanted to investigate the area, around our campground. We went to Lake Village, which is just a few miles from Fishing Bridge, to pick up our mail. Then we headed to see Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
The Lake Village Post Office is located behind Lake Yellowstone Hotel. As we left the Post Office we saw this big fellow just hanging out.
The buffalo are huge here in Yellowstone.
He walked right out in front of us. We know where we stand with him!

View of Lake Yellowstone in front of the hotel.
Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
Covered valet parking.
Inside of the sun room of the hotel. Joe checked the price to stay at the hotel. The cheapest room, was $ 205 a night. If you want to stay in a cabin behind the hotel it is $96 a night.
Lake Yellowstone Hotel's yellow sight seeing car.
View from Lake Yellowstone Hotel.
Wild flowers out front of hotel.

This wild flower almost looks like a dandelion, but I don't think it is. Joe says it is. I say it is not!
More wild flowers out front of hotel.

The lake looks so serene, but it is very dangerous. If a person falls in the lake, they can only last 20 to 30 minutes, because it is so cold.
As we drove down the road to see the Lake Lodge, we see this silhouette.
Lake Lodge.
More rustic inside.
But still a great view from the porch.
The cabin prices are $68 a night here.

We then drove over to Bridge Bay. This is a place where you can rent boats, take a guide tour of the lake, or a pay for a boat with a fishing guide. There is also a very nice campground here, without any hook ups.

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