Monday, July 26, 2010

Storm and Service


After our day drive to Old Faithful, we drove back to our Nest. Joe had told me the first night we got to Yellowstone, that I had drove the wrong direction to find cell service. So after we got home, I took the car and turn left out of Fishing Bridge Campground, toward Cody, Wyoming, instead of right.

I stopped at Pelican Creek to take this picture.
The sky was starting to get dark to the west.
When I left home it was perfectly fine out. Storms brew up very fast here.
It was not raining so I continued down the road, thinking it would just blow over, as some do. I had drove about 3.5 miles and the winds all of a sudden kicked up and it started to rain. I pull over to the next turn out, passed Mary's Bay.
It got really windy fast, so I decided to ride out the storm at this turn out along the road.
While I waited I realized I had cell phone service, as well as Internet.
The storm had ended as fast as it had started, like so many do around here. I made some phone calls and worked on the internet as the sun set.
I was sitting at a turn out along Yellowstone Lake.
There goes the Yellowstone Hotel sight seeing car.
I am so glad I am only 3.5 miles away from cell and internet service.
I enjoy the views as I take care of business.
After I made my calls and checked my emails, I worked on a blog.

On my way home there were four down trees. A couple of the trees were about 1/4 mile down the road from where I had parked. It looked like people had had to moved them off the road, to get through. The other two had fallen so cars could go around them. Thank you Father for keeping me safe!

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