Friday, July 9, 2010

Provo, Utah to Wyoming BLM Campspot


We enjoyed our time in Utah, but it is time to move further north. We take Interstate. 15 north to interstate 215. Right away we had to climb 2000 feet. We did actually pass a semi on one steep climb in the passing lane. We spent a lot of gas on this trip, with all the ups and downs and then ups again! We came to Echo Reservoir, and made a stop to see this beautiful place. I am looking to the north here. And looking to the south here. Now straight across. I zoom in here, from previous picture. Joe and I think we see RVs parked under the tree's on the beach. We would love to own that piece of property. In this shot you can really see how the earth was uplifted here. We are still on 80 heading east. We enter into Wyoming again. Last fall we drove the south east corner of that state. Last year we saw these fences all along Wyoming roadsides. We couldn't figure out what they were used for. We finally decided they were snow fences. Wyoming seems to be somewhat of a plateau We turn north on Hwy. 189. Beautiful drive in the high desert. Some rolling hills. Lots of sagebrush. But mostly flat for miles. Mallery was getting antsy, so Joe pulled over to give her a break. The very first month when we were on the rode, Mallery got real antsy on my lap. She kept trying to get down. I have her seat belted to my seat belt, so she is safe if we have to stop fast. Any way, she started to poop on me and my map, because I didn't know what she wanted back then. Now when she gets antsy I get Joe to find a spot to stop as soon as possible. Then on we go. This has to be the most desolate place I have seen so far. No houses for miles. We spot our campground signs for some BLM ( Bureau of Land Management) camping, and turn down a gravel road. The sign says the campground is six miles down the gravel road. There are no fences because we are in a free range area. We wonder if these are wild horses. We finally come to our camping spot for the night. We cross a cattle guard into the park. (Before we started this adventure, I did not know what these cattle guards were for. Guess I needed to get out into the world to learn some of these things. As we pull down the road we see cattle roaming everywhere. This bull stares us down. He does not move. Joe said, "I sure hope he does not charges us with those horns!"We pass him, and all is well.The campground is called Weeping Rock Campground. We found this BLM campground on our Atlas. It is located along a river that empties into another reservoir. We find a parking spot for the night. Most BLM camping is free with no hook ups. After setting up we stroll down to the river.


  1. Well that was a fun drive....Hows the BLM park?
    looks lovely and desolate.

  2. i live here where weeping rock is yeah the fences are to keep the snow from blowing across the highway. at least that's the story they sell but here its always windy lol.

    1. Hi Dez, What a beautiful place to live. You live somewhere around the BLM campground?
