Thursday, January 27, 2011

Alisha's 34TH Birthday

We got to enjoy another birthday while we were in Gulf Shores.
Alisha made a dip after dinner, so we enjoyed congregating around her kitchen for family time.
Alisha showing off some of her birthday presents,
As Mom and Hayleah watch.
Alisha and Jamie
My little princess dressed for the occasion.
Alisha lights her 34 candles on the strawberry yummy cake Jamie made for her. Alisha's favorite cake.
Alisha singing how old she is. I can't believe she is 34 already. How time flies!
Lennox loves to eat! He really got into the birthday cake.
My princess on my shoulder.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Christmas 2010


For Christmas this year, we had mom with us; unfortunately, Hayleah was at her dad's in Minnesota.
Maddie in her Christmas outfit.

Noah digging into his presents.
Both boys wanted their dad's to put together their toys, and not open anymore presents. We had to encourage them to open the rest of their presents, before playing with opened boxes and in the piles of wrapping paper. After the presents were open, the adults started to play with Tiff and Blake's new Kinect for Xbox. Kinect came out this Christmas. You basically try to beat the opponents on the TV at all kinds of sport games and dance off. The Kinect monitors you from a camera with out any wires. It's really fun.Here is Jamie playing one of the games.
Then Alisha gives it a try.
Even Mom jumped to the floor to play.
You really get a lot of exercise doing these games, and I can see Kinect becoming a big hit.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Christmas 2010 Kinect Video's


Here are some video's of some of us playing Kinect. Sorry the video's are sideways, I must have been holding the camera sideways. just turn your computer if you must.

On this first video, I am filming Maddie for a while, then it goes black for a few seconds, (I must have put the camera down for a few seconds), then back to Maddie, then you will see Tiffany and then Blake playing the dance off game. On the next one you will see Jamie and Alisha playing the dance off game.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Pool Time With The Boy's

12/ 28/2010

I used to take the girls swimming all the time when they were babies and on. I took Noah to the community pool in Oct. when I was watching him, while Alisha was at work. While Alisha was off work from maternity leave, she and I took both of the boy's swimming.
This time Alisha swam with Noah,
and I swam with Lennox. I had to keep Lennox from getting his ears wet, even though he has ear plugs. The ear plugs are not very tight, and if his ears get wet, they will hurt with the ear tubes that were put in his ears during surgery.
I had taught Noah how to float on his back on our last outing.
Me trying to get Lennox to jump to me.
He decided he didn't want to jump. This is the first time he has been here for awhile. His other grandma Kathy and grandpa Daryl, brought him some time back.
Noah has no problems jumping to his mom. Lennox enjoyed standing on the step. He likes to know where the bottom is.
Joe and grandma June sat on the side watching Maddie and took these pictures.
The boys had a good time.

Hayleah's 14 Birthday


Just a cute picture of Maddie in my picture file.


We have bounced back and forth from Tiff's and Alisha' s so much, I have lost track how many times we have been at each. Alisha received an email, saying someone contacted her about our RV parked outside of her home. The email also contained the city of Gulf Shores guidelines to how long we can be parked in a driveway. Now we have to move every two weeks, which works out just fine, because we have to take the RV to dump the tanks every two weeks any how. We are at Tiff's in this picture. The neighbor next to Tiff lives in California. They are never here, so we park the Honda in their drive.

Hayleah holding her gift from Papa Joe, a bag of 1000 pop can tops. Hayleah makes bracelets with them. We celebrated Hayeah's Birthday a few days early as she will be flying to her dad's for Christmas. Her birthday is December 24Th.

Our sweet Hayleah, (with an attitude) turns 14 this year.

For her Birthday Papa Joe paid for her ticket to the zoo,
as well as an extra $50,
so she could play with, "Sita", a Bengal Tiger cub.
At the Gulf Shores Zoo, at certain times of the year, for $50 plus zoo entrance you can have a personal experience with a baby wild animal.
We are looking in a window as Hayleah get 3o minutes with Sita.

She can not pick her up,

but play as much as she wants.

The zoo is enlarging and moving to a different location in Gulf Shores sometime this year.

Hayleah had a great time.

A reflection of Joe as we watch them play.
After a while Sita climbed into Hayleah's lap and took a siesta for 5 minutes.
These reflection pictures are interesting. It looks as if Hayleah is laying on a deck, but it is the deck we are standing on and watching through a window at her and Sita.

Sita had a scratch on her nose from a transfer in a crate going home at night with an employee.
After Hayleah's 30 minutes with Sita, we saw the rest of the zoo. A cute little lama.
The zoo cost $10 for Hayleah and Alisha, $8 for Joe, Mom and me because we are seniors. There are alligators, monkeys and more. It has a feed section for the goat, ducks, sheep, and deer which is always fun, even for the big kid's at heart.
At home I enjoy my favorite Maggie May who is going on 10.