Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crooked Tree RV Park in Hungry Horse, Montana


Next stop, 16 miles north to Hungry Horse, Montana,
to the Crooked Tree RV Park. I know we don't drive very far, but we don't want to miss anything and we have all the time in the world!
As Joe was setting up his satellite for Direct TV, a man from this RV came over and asked Joe if he could help him set his satellite up. Joe had a bit of trouble getting ours tuned in, but after many attempts and some frustration, got it accomplished.
Our camp site had an opening in the trees.
Our neighbor's down the road, didn't have a split between the trees. Joe and the man worked on it for over an hour with no luck. His wife was not a happy camper. No TV that night.

While in Hungry House I couldn't resist the famous Huckleberry pie's that they are famous for. Can you believe I paid $28.00 for one pie. Joe said I was crazy. If you order one on the Internet, it cost $48.00. So I think I did well.
It was very yummy. I didn't purchase it from the Huckleberry Patch ( a business that has been in the business for over 50 years selling huckleberry products), because it was even more expensive. Maybe next time!

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