Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hike to Hidden Lake Overlook at Logan Pass Part 1 8/15/2010

This is the FREE shuttle that stops near Apgar Campground, which is about a 5 minute walk.

You can also catch it at the campground, but it is usually full by the time it gets to that point. You end up standing for the entire ride. That might not be a problem for most, but when you are a shorty like me, I could barely reach the hanging hand loops, and at that, I am on my tippy toes.

We are half way up the "Going to the Sun Road" in this picture. You can see the sheer drop off of the road. 

In this picture you can see the Triple Arches built under the road so the melting snow and stream can continue to flow down the mountain.
You start the hike of Hidden Lake Overlook at Logan Pass.

Standing above the parking lot at Logan Pass, you can see all the Red Shuttle Buses below. The Red Bus Tours run from $50.00 to $80.00, depending on the route.

It's a beautiful sunny day for the hike.

The beginning of the hike is paved.
Right away we see a Bighorn Sheep.

What a treat to see them in the wild so close.

The horns on these guys are really long. They must be up there in age like us.

We turn around and see another one crossing the path, which has changed from pavement to a boardwalk.

A look back at where we came from. If you look very close you can see the Logan Pass Visitor Center where the hike started.

We continue up the continuous incline which has changed again from boadwalk to a rugged trail.

We were up where there was still snow on the ground.

A look back again at our trek.

People had gather ahead.

Awe, a mama and her baby mountain goat.

The baby goat walked right in front of me. 

A few violet flowers amongst the rocks.

A marmot in the distance.

The hike to Hidden Lake Overlook is  1.5 miles one way. To be continued tomorrow.

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