Friday, February 18, 2011

Hike to Hidden Lake Overlook at Logan Pass Part 2 8/15/201

Last blog I left you with us hiking to Hidden lake Overlook.
Almost there!
We arrive at Hidden Lake Overlook.

A view at the other end of the lake with layers of mountains in the distant.

This trail takes you  down to the lake itself. Just another 1.5 miles to the lake. It is a pretty steep decent down , so the climb back up would be treacherous. You would have to start much earlier than we did, to do that hike. 

We sit down for lunch, and look who arrives. I believe he is a Columbian Ground Squirrel.

He keeps coming right up to Joe's leg. Joe kicks his leg out to scare him away.

The ground squirrel look at Joe as to say, " You aren't too friendly"

The little guy thinks, " Well, if you are going to be like that!"

He sneaks up behind Joe's back.

" What do you have in that hat". Joe is oblivious of  who is behind him, as I chuckle to my self and continue to click away.

He soon finds there is nothing to be had and goes off to pester someone else.

Our lunch spot. What a view!

I guess it's time to head back. Maybe next time we will get up earlier and hike all the way to the lake .

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