Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hike to Hidden Lake Overlook at Logan Pass Part 3 8/15/2010

I last left you as we were heading down the mountain from Hidden Lake Overlook.
For some reason I turned around for one last look.
I was thinking, Mister you had better get back.
But the mountain goat just stood there for the picture.
Then we headed down the 1.5 mile trek.
Very shortly we come upon another mountain goat standing on a rock.
Of course Joe wants his picture by him.
I think these goats love to get their picture taken.

A little goat-tee.
Some more snow,
 and the momma and baby goat we saw on the way up, but this time cooling off in the snow  from the afternoon sun. Did you miss them in the previous picture If you want to see wild life, this is the trail to take.

A view of  St. Mary's Lake on the east side if Glacier national Park.
A stream with some late summer flowers.
A mother was letting her son drink from the stream. I had to tell her that the park literature states that harmful bacteria can live in the stream water and not to drink it. 

In this picture you can see two marmots playing patty cake:)

Late summer meadow flowers.

Back on the shuttle I capture the " Going To The Sun Road"  in the distant.
Another shot.
In this picture you see the " Going To The Sun Road" in the bottom and  the Highline Trail above. You can barely see a group of people on the trail. The trail begin or ends at Logan Pass and ends or begins at The Loop. The hike is 11.6 miles one way. If you start at The Loop your climb will be 2200 feet. Most hikers start at the top, and catch the shuttle to go back up for their car.
At Logan Pass while waiting for our shuttle, a ranger told us a mother bear and her cub were seen on Highline Trail. We gather this is why we were seeing so many people bunched up together. Curiosity and safety in numbers.

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