Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Boca Grande, Gasparilla Island Fl 3/18/2011

While staying at the North Port Wal-Mart, we took a drive to Boca Grande on Gasparilla Island. This is the Boca Grande Inn.

We drove around looking for the condo that, Joe, myself and Tiffany stayed at, with Joe's mom, over thirteen years ago. Joe's mom and dad used to stay at the condo for six week in the winter, when Bob was still alive. We were not for sure if this was the condo, so Joe called is mom, and she confirmed we were at the right place. We had a great time on the island years ago. 

While Joe talked to his mom, she said we should stop at the G's ( I will call them the G's to protect their privacy) winter home and say, " Hi". She told us how to find their house again, (we had been there years ago, but our memories were failing). We parked in their drive and Joe went to the front entry. He hollowed, " Anyone home," ( there is not a door to knock on, as there is a pool inside the entryway. Know one answered, so we parked the car out side their drive on the street and walked to the beach.

A path to the G's real front door from their driveway.

G's home from the beach.

A look up the beach.

A look the other direction.

This guy, and just a few other people were on the beach, with us. The island is really  nice and quiet.

As we went back to the car, Joe looked down the G's drive one last time, and saw someone, just returning home on bikes. He went back down their drive and met the granddaughter and daughter of  Mr. & Mrs. G. The G's were still not home. We told their daughter, we just wanted to stop for a minute to say, " Hi ", from Kay and us. We drove to the small shopping area, and I got an ice cream, and then headed home.

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