Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pinellas Trail, Lee's Travel Park, & More Beaches 3/13/2011

We left Bay Aire RV Park and headed across to Largo, Florida's Wal-Mart. This picture is of the Pinellas Trail that runs from Tarpon Springs to St Petersburg Bay. This trail is the trail that we walked on the other day with Mallery, that is located across the street from Bay Aire RV Park. The trail is 37 miles in length, and an average of 70,000 persons use the trail each month. 

On our way to Wal-Mart, the GPS took us though an area that was getting very conjested. Lots of people were forming along the street, as well as people holding signs of parking for a fee. I had set the GPS for shortest distant, instead of fastest way, so our GPS lady was taking us through neighborhoods and small towns. I was getting nervous, and told Joe maybe we should turn down a street before we got stuck somewhere.  Joe seemed to have more confidence than myself, and we continued down the street. Shortly we drove past a large arena with people heading for it. Then Joe saw a guy wearing a baseball shirt. Joe guess it, " Spring Training! I researched it for you baseball fans, It was  the Tampa Bay Rays vs Toronto Blue Jays [3/13/2011] in Dunedin, Fl.

We arrive at our next stopping place for a few days. Joe goes in to register, and I took a picture of the pool, we will never use. But for those who want to know more about the park, it has a very nice pool.

After our Nest gets set up, I see this guy out our door, searching for food. After looking through my field guild, I believe this is a White Ibis ( adult)

Here we sit in our new neighborhood. No neighbor on our right. ( that makes Joe happy). The park is a bit fussy about pets. You can walk your dog through the park, but don't let them touch any grass. You must leave the park, for your pet to do it's business, or go to a spot behind the trash containers. We always pick up after Mallery, so this is a bit inconvienant. The park has a smoking section and a non smoking section. They also need a pet section.
Our parks sign as we leave the park for a day trip.

Since I some how gained 4 lbs since January, we decide it was time to get moving. We drove about 23 miles to get to Madeira Beach.

We decided to walk 15 minutes down the beach. The parking lot charged .25 for 10 minutes.

The beach was not as nice as Gulf Shores, Al. beach.

After 15 minutes down, we walked 15 minutes back. We had to keep walking around the breakers, and piles of tiny broken shells that were brought in by the tide. Not good on bare tender feet.

After we got back to the car, we went and got a sandwich at Subway, and then drove to Treasure Island Beach. Once again we had favor from our Lord as when we went to pay in advance for our parking spot at the beach, it said "paid for the entire day." Someone  had paid for our spot for the entire day and left before we arrived.  We found a bench and enjoyed lunch, then headed for another walk down the beach.

This beach is a lot wider here at Treasure island.than it was at the other beach.

We headed to the south, and within 5 minutes, the broken shells ended, and we had a nice sandy beach to walk on.

I think these guys are Royal Terns. They don't move until you are right on top of them. Then they just move to the side.

Soon we come to a very crowded area.

Most looked to be college age. Spring Breakers!

After walking for 30 minutes, we turned around and headed back.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day in the mid 70's.

These guys made a sand couch.

I asked them, how long it took them to make the couch. They told me about a hour and it was worth it.

When we get back to our Nest, I wanted to take a picture of the problem this park seems to be having. When we were given this spot, we were told the park is having a worm problem. Do you see one?

How about here!. Silk worms are hanging all over the place from the trees. When you go outside, you have to dodge them everywhere. It was hard to focus in on them for a pictures, as they sway in the slight wind as they spin their silky thread. I think that is what the White Ibis was eating. Joe washed the car and parked it out in the sun, because they were making a mess of our car. Heaven for bid, what out Nest roof will look like when we leave!

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