Sunday, March 13, 2011

St Petersburg, Down Town, Museum and Pier Area 3/12/2011

Yesterday we took a drive to St. Petersburg to the North Straub Park . We were going to take the trolley that goes right by the Bay Aire RV Park, but we didn't get started early enough. The trolley was unlimited rides for the day for $3 a person. The day before yesterday, we took Mallery with us on the Pinellas Trail that was also right across the street from the campground. We took her stroller also, so when she gets tired, no one has to carry her. Seven pounds gets heavy after awhile. Anyway, because it was windy and 68 degrees, she walked and ran more than she should have. I knew better, but she was having such a good time. That night she had a very bad night with episodes of trachea / breathing problems. It continued the next morning. I gave her some benadryl, besides her twice daily medicine, that seemed to help. I didn't want to leave her alone until I knew she had calmed down. She has anxiety when she can't breath, which closes up her air way even more. By the time we got her calm enough to leave her, it was too late for the trolley.
It was a beautiful day in the low 70's.
We had favor with the Lord ,as we found a close place to park, being it was Saturday, and some event was going on.
Before we found a parking spot, we drove by this pick/red art piece. I had to come back to look at it better.
It looks to be made of glass or rock .
Very pretty!
A stroll through the park.
This street was blocked off. We found out a crawfish festival was going on.
We walked out to this point,
and wonder what that was, out there!
With a close up on the camera, we decide it was a pier.
If you give blood in one of the buses, you get in free at the crawfish festival. I don't like crayfish, and we don't have time,so we pass it up.
At the docks I wondered what these were?
Joe decides they were old dock pier foundations, that had been taken over by ocean life
Hotel across from the park.
We decided to check out the hotel.
Looking out from inside.
Long front porch, looking up from the doorway. It goes as long the other way also.
As we were driving over to the pier, I see these two unusual trees, farther down the park.
Across from the park and bay the street is lined with outside cafes.
More views of these magnificent trees.
We drive out to the pier.
View of where we just came from at the park point.
A lot of fisherman on the pier.
He kept an eye on me as I approached for a picture.
" I 'll pose for a treat"
We continue walking up the pier.
A cafe is located at the top and stores are on the first floor.
View from the top of the pier.
View from the back top of the pier. There were a lot of sail boats on the water that day.
Name of cafe and bar at the top.
Back down on the pier, I wonder why there were so many pelicans standing over by what looked like a stand of sorts. Then I saw the sign that said, " Pelican Feed for Sale". I would have bought some, but Joe was already walking to the car. A man with a mission and always on the go.
As we leave the pier I took a picture of this tree, I had seen when we had drove by earlier.
Children are having fun climbing onto the center of the trunk.

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