Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Walk on Causeway to Honeymoon Island 3/9/2011

While in Gulf Shores, AL., Joe and I didn't get much exercising in. We decided we needed to get back  in shape.
Walking/bike path along side of  the causeway roadside going to Honeymoon Island.
We walked on the path for 25 minutes.
When we got to Honeymoon Island, we turned around, and headed back. To enter, it is $2 per pedestrian.
Close up of Honeymoon Island. Maybe another day.
On the way back, I turned to look back at Honeymoon Island again.
On the way back we walk on the very narrow beach.
Snowy Egret ( I think) ( with the help of Renee, my sister in law, this is a Great Egret )
As I was taking his picture he flew away! A good picture of his feet!
He flew to the fisherman, hoping  for something to eat.
Cute but don't know his official bird name.( Renee also helped me with this one- A  Laughing  Gull )
"Come on, how are we going to get some exercise at this rate!" Joe said
Racks of  kayaks for rent,
and sailboats.
I like these guys white poka dot tails.

Another view of their tails.
These guys let you get very close.
A lot of action, be that fishing, walking, biking, sunbathing,or jet skiing off the causeway.
It was 82 degrees today, but it was very windy, so the walk along the causeway was wonderful.

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