Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bay Aire RV Park in Palm Harbor 3/8/2010

Today as we drove Hwy. 19 S , Joe kept seeing these signs. Are there bears in Florida? Who knew! Sorry so blurry, but Joe saw the signs, and I had to rush to turn the camera on.
I see more dinosaurs while we travel.
We turned on Alt Hwy 19 and drove through the historic down town of Tarpon Springs, to get off the congested Hwy 19. The streets are so narrow, that Joe hit a few small branches. The new trees are planted too close to the street.
 Five more miles to go.
After a short 120 mile day, we arrived at our new neighborhood for five days.
We are escorted to lot 110.
The RV's are packed in like sardines.
I am sure glad I didn't have to direct Joe into this spot. Note how close our neighbor's awning comes to our slide out.
Bobby did a great job, getting Joe in on the first try. So glad we have a tree above us. The high temperature was 81 today.
View down our street.
View up our street, with Bobby getting into his golf cart. Thanks Bobbie, for your help. Tomorrow  we hit the beach!

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