Friday, April 8, 2011

The Board Walk RV Resort in Homestead, Florida

As we headed out of Naples, we could see a storm was brewing.

We stopped, after a short drive, so Joe could have a quick lunch, but the storms were approaching fast. Joe jumped in the drivers seat with half  his lunch in his lap to get ahead of the storm.

We were planning on stopping at the Everglades, but with the high temps we have had, we decided to see the Everglades on our next Florida visit. Midway Campground is about half way across Florida, on Hwy. 41 going east. The campground is located just off of Hwy. 41 to the north.

We had three green tomato semi's pass us. No wonder store's tomato's have no taste.

I didn't know what to expect of the Everglades, but I guess, a lot of it is grassland.

We passed several Indian Villages.

The stream that has been all along Hwy. 41, turned into a canal.

At the beginning and ending of Hwy. 41 there are several Air Boat Ride business. Another next trip thing to do.

We turned on Hwy. 997 S. We saw one nursery after another .

It was nursery center as we entered Homestead, Fl.

We entered Homestead, Fl.,still ahead of the storm.

Homestead has a population of 60,000 and is the gateway to Miami and the Key West.

The GPS takes us to the back side of the Post Office. Where is our RV Park? We call the park and got directions. As we head north on Hwy. 1, the storm hits. Mallery is shaking like a leaf, (she hates storms), as well as when Joe and I raise our voices in frustration. We still could not find the park. Another call to the park, and getting another operator with better directions, as well as I realized, I put the address with St., instead Ave. in the GPS. I correct my mistake, and we find our next destination.

The rain stops as we arrive at Board Walk RV Resort.

Joe goes in to register.

We are put at site 620 of 928 sites in the park.

We set up for a two day stay.

After we set up we walk the park, so we can check out our new neighborhood. This is the Club House.

Shower and laundry building.

Pool behind the Club House.

Pool table in the Club House.

 This is a gated community, that was once a very nice place.Unfortunately it has not been managed well, and the park started to go down hill. It has been bought by a new owner, who has plans on bring it back to it original state. As we walk around the park, we could see where things had been let go. Most of the park is a mobile home park One seventh is a RV park. There is a feral cat problem also in the park. Everywhere you look, you see wild cats.

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