Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bonita Beach Dog Park

We are crossing over the Estero Bay to Estero Island.

As you cross over the bay, you reach Fort Meyers Beach beaches.

I had found a  dog beach on the Internet between Lovers Key State Park and Bonita Beach just south of Fort Myers beaches.

After we walk in with all our beach stuff, it was time for lunch. While we had our lunch, we had 3 dogs who sat beside or in front of us, begging for food. Where are the owners of these dogs? Please teach your dogs not to beg with strangers. There are many rule for this park, but many ignore them.

The Internet said the best time to go to this beach is at low tide. I think we went at high tide.

I gave Mallery swimming lessons.  She had her life jacket on, and she had a very Wide Eyed look, and doggy paddling fast toward me.

Her life jacket had a handle on it, so finally I just held her straight toward the beach and guided her in.

She was very glad to get to the beach, and didn't follow me to the water again. She had enough of that swimming stuff, and stayed close to her dad after that.

Daddy save me!

Most of the dogs had a great time running and chasing each other. Mallery is intimidated by other dogs, big or small.

At the far end 3 guys were fishing.

There were many boats parked on the sand across from the beach.

Looking back at the beach from the water.

Daddy protecting Mallery from mean mommy.

This beach is definitely a privilege, as it is hard to find beaches like this. The only other one we have found is in San Diego.

This is how we came in and how we had to leave. I had to carry Mallery, as it was muddy and in places deeper then she is tall. This is why it said it is best to come at low tide.

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