Monday, April 4, 2011

Naples, Florida

As we were leaving Indian Creek RV Park in Fort Myers, I took a picture of the guys playing volley ball.. We are talking about guys 60 and up in age playing in heat of  mid eighties temperatures. They have 7 tennis courts. I am amazed at the people in this park. I just hope, I am as active as they are, when I am their age.

Our drive to Naples was short and we planned to stay at Wal-Mart, because the park we just left, had someone coming into our spot at the park thus we couldn't stay another day and the park in Naples that we were planning on staying at won't give us our passport discount until tomorrow.

It was in the high 80's, but there was a great breeze. We parked the RV, in the direction to maximize the best breeze in our Nest.

The next day we drove  to our new neigbhor at Lake San Marino RV & Park Models.

While Joe registers, I check out the lake behind the office.

The water in the lake is really clear and blue, unlike most lakes we have seen in other parks.

Mobile homes around the lake.

Pool overlooking  the lake.

No dogs allowed on Naples beaches.

Naples Beach entrance.

Being beach bums again. I love the color change of green to the darkest blue sky. God is Great!

Does anyone know what this is?

Great beach for walking.

Our hour was up on the meter, so we drove down to another beach.

Beautiful boulevards and lovely landscapes.

We stop at Lowderilk Park, but you had to have a sticker to park in the parking lot. At the very end of the parking lot there was a small section for meter parking. But nothing was open. We drove on. It is the weekend and lots of people are out.

Lots of money here!

These beautiful trees are all over. Love them! We don't have these in Iowa.

We find a side street with parking meters, between the beautiful homes.

This was my favorite home with it's porches looking out at the ocean.

This little guy is hot! He is holding his wings open to catch the breeze. It is almost 90.

I am sure they are doing this for some other reason. Maybe puffing up for the girls.

A guy  told us a crab was over in a sand hole some kids dug out.

The little boy was throwing sand at it. I squatted down to his size and asked him not to throw sand at him. I asked if he would like sand thrown at him. He lifts his arms up and says, " I got sand all over me!"  Latter, Joe said, " Trying to get in a fight with a mother!"

The man also told me that stingrays were swimming close to shore. I had seen a crowd of people, looking out into the water, so I asked this man what was going on.

Look at the size of that tail.

As we walked down the coast we saw at least 5 to 6 different stingrays swimming into shore and then back out. There must have been some kind of food supply.

This house is right next to the side street we parked at.

This is the house from the side. It is longer than it is wide. It was huge!

Driving down our street, Anchor Way, to our home on the right. Just a bit smaller than the one's on the beach! A lot less cleaning!


  1. thanks for the tour.. glad you saved the little crabby..looks like a ghost crab..the one I feel in love with!
    Must be getting hot down there in Florida long you staying?

  2. We just arrived at Homestead, Fl. We will be going to Marathon, Fl., for a week, then we will start heading up the east coast of Florida. We hope to be out of Florida by May 1st.
