Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Key West, Florida

We decided to drive the Honda to Key West from Marathon.

We walked by BO'S

Joe had read about this restaurant/ bar. Very casual to say the least.

The entrance is to left of where Joe is standing.

The architecture is so similar to New Orleans.

Joe and I came to Key West about 13 years ago with our oldest daughter, Alisha on a cruise for her college graduation gift.

We find our way to the famous " Duval St." 

Looking down the street, it is pretty quiet.

In front of this home,

is a bar,

and a restaurant. See the misters spraying, to cool off the patrons.

This restaurant has surf board tables.

Sorry I put in so many homes, but I love this style.

I peeked in one bar and saw Elvis singing. Elvis is alive!

On our walk we also saw pretty flowering bushes,

 a home with a branch growing through the porch roof,

and a hen and a rooster running down the street.

Joe read up on a few restaurants, and wanted to eat lunch at Bahama Mama. We had stopped at the visitor Center, and they told us where it was located.

But it was closed.

We had to back track and find his 2nd choice.

The Banana Cafe

This is a French restaurant, with french hostess, waitress's, and cooks,

and of course a french menu.

We asked to be seated up stairs on the porch.

Joe had read that they had great crepes.

We watch people walking up and down the street from our upper porch view.

I had the walnut, goat cheese crepe, topped with a caramelized apple sauce,

and Joe had the sausage, ham and swiss cheese crepe topped with a belchamp sauce made of butter, milk, flour and nutmeg. We thought they were great!

After lunch we finished walking to the end of Duval St. to a beach.

Across the street was the Southernmost Hotel.

We walked out on the pier next to the beach.

This is the most Southernmost Beach in the Continental USA.

Of course we had to have our picture at the Southernmost Point in the Continental USA.

Back door view of the hotel.

I really like the detail of this porch.

I love the tropical flowers.

It was extremely hot and humid, so we stopped at Margaritaville for a margarita..

and hung out with Jimmy Buffet!

At home Joe took some good pictures of our last sunset at Jolly Rogers.

Time to head north, it is getting way too hot for the two of us!

1 comment:

  1. I love those houses too! O MY..I want one of those Crepes!!!!!!
