Friday, April 15, 2011

Paradise Island RV Resort, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl. & South Beach

We headed north along the Keys, getting one last look at the Gulf of Mexico.

After setting up at Paradise Island RV Resort in Fort Lauderdale, we chilled in our nest until the sun started to set and temps cooled down.

Then we walked around the park to check out the neighborhood. We got a very nice spot at L1 farther back in the park away from the traffic noise. We also got a corner lot.

As hot as it is, we just might use the pool.


The next day Joe treated us for lunch at another restaurant that he had read about.

Looking into the front entrance from the parking lot.

"Le Tub"

This restaurant was an old gas station that went out of business. The owner bought the old station, and built the restaurant from stuff he found on beach walks.

" No Joe, no pictures right now!"

We walk father in.

I guess we seat our selves.

I wanted a water table, but the last two on the water were in the sun,

so we chose this table in the shade. Joe didn't like this spot because it didn't have a back to his seat.

So we move farther back again from the water. Note the orange water jug. If you want tap water, help yourself.

You can see Joe back at our table in the back.

Joe got the Gumbo. He said it was good but very spicy.

I went for a salad.

After lunch we drove south on Hwy. 1A, which is the route down the coast.

We found our way to Miami.

To the west was the intercoastal waterway.

We parked and took a walk on Lummus Park Beach Walk to the beach.

Walkway to the beach.

This is South Beach in Miami.

Sand castles in front of  Miami beach castles.

Sand is brown, and you might find one small shell if you look very hard. Great walking beach,

especially for guys as there were at least six topless sun tanners on the beach. 

The color of the ocean was gorgeous to me!

We thought the artist who created this sand castle had a cute imagination. He even has a bow tie.

After our exercise on the beach we head back through the park to our car.You can see the umbrella lined street with restaurants, across from the park.

We had just left South Beach when we witnessed a hit and run of a car and a bike taxi. No one was hurt but the bike taxi driver was upset. His cooler of water hit the ground and all his cold water bottles went all over, with some busting. We couldn't tell if  his bike was damaged.

We chased after the car, and I snap a picture of his license. By the time we got back to where the accident happened, the bike taxi was gone.

On the way home I spotted this hotel. I always notice when things have part of our name.

On interstate heading back to Fort Lauderdale.

View of intercoastal waterway. When we got home I called the police and filed a police report, in case the bike taxi called the police with a report. I was told to call immediately next time. I thought, because no one was hurt, you should not call 911.

1 comment:

  1. Nice was funky and fun. The beach was nice and warm..thanks...
    Thats cool you took the license plate down..hope they get them!
