Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Climb to the Top of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse

My abdominal pain left as fast as they came, so the next day we did what we always do. We went to the beach.

Lots and lots of fisherman on this day. It was a Saturday, so the beach was very busy!

This guy's wife pulled in this shark. She told us that she had just pulled in another one twice this size about a half an hour ago. Her husband cut the line and let the shark go. We had just seen  another guy who had caught two sting rays. One was about a foot in diameter. The other was about 3 feet in diameter. He told us he had just previously pulled out a shark also, that had a mouth opening of about 8 inches wide. He went on to say, from what he has pulled out and what others have pulled out, he would not swim in these waters. We have only seen a few surfers and one lady swimming, but it is not that hot yet here so that could also be the reason. The waves are also very strong here and they seem to make a very deep ridge where they crash in on the shore. It goes from shallow  to deep with a drop off. The drop off  looks to be about 2 to 3 feet deep. I have heard from others that there can be very strong rip tides here. With all this information, we have not gotten into the water.

 The next day we drove back south to the Cape Hatteras Light House. I am standing here with my 4:00 PM ticket to climb to the top.

 A look up from the bottom.

At every landing there is a window to look out, while you rest.

There are 8 landings with 31 steps between the landings.

Yes, I have paced myself  at every landing.

Every window on every landing has metal bars, so you have to peek through the bars.

So I have to aim my lens between the bars to get a picture.

I suppose there would be one in the bunch, that would try to climb out to get a better picture.

This lighthouse is the tallest brick lighthouse in the US.

I finally make it to the top. The last lighthouse Joe and I climbed was at Tybee Island, on the coast of Georgia. We both have a fear of heights. On that climb, Joe would not even look out the door to the balcony, and I just stepped out with one foot outside and one foot inside to get the picture.

Here is a picture of the point. I made the climb, because I just had to see the views.

A picture of the town of Buxton.

This is a picture in the light house that show where the lighthouse use to be. Because of the constant wind and waves, the island is always changing in size, being rearranged. It had to be moved or the ocean would have swallowed it up.

 Follow the parking lot out straight where you see sand.That is where the lighthouse use to be located. It was moved whole in 21 days. It was thought, it would take 6 weeks to be moved to it's current place.

Down below is a Visitor Center.

Joe is waiting  for me down there.  Joe said he wasn't going to pay good money for something he doesn't even enjoy. It cost $7 for adults to go to the top.

This time I came out to the ledge. Once out there it wasn't so bad, so I actually walked around the entire lighthouse.

The larger house, the Double Keepers' Quarters (1854) was built for the staff of the first Lighthouse. Today  it serves as Cape Hatteras National Seashore Hatteras Island Visitor Center.

Another view of the point. After my view from the lighthouse, we went to the beach. We wanted to walk to the point. There were signs saying you could not walk in that area on the beach. Some people told us that that part of the beach is closed off until sometime in September, because of turtle nestling's.

In this picture you can kind of see the town of Avon, way out in the water, where we are staying now. I could see it better than the picture shows.

There is Joe again, talking on the phone.

I was told that the climbing to the top of this lighthouse is like climbing a twelve story building.

I took a picture of a couple and they returned the favor. The breeze was delightful, as you can tell by my wind blown tussles as my mom would say. I am actually standing next to the edge. I was so proud of myself. Fear comes from Satan, so I had to walk all over that fear!

This picture is of a look down after a few landings. I forgot to get it at the top.

Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was erected in 1870.

At the bottom again now. The smaller house was built in 1871and is the Principal Keepers Quarters. It accommodates the head lighthouse keeper and his family.

You can see some of  the windows that are located on the landings in the lighthouse.

A sign in the old Double Keepers Quarters that give each days information. It is just starting to get into the eighties. It's getting close to time to head farther north.

This explains why the lighthouse had to be moved.

 We can not change God's plans.

This is why so many fisherman come to the Outer Banks.

Don't forget to go inside the old Double Keepers Quarters if you like museum articles and facts.

On the way back to find Joe, Mr. Toad greets me on the path.

We head for the beach, close to the  National Park Campground. ( Which is presently closed- not sure why or for how long). You can see the lighthouse from this beach.

We walk the beach toward the lighthouse , because the beach is closed toward the point.


  1. Looks like you guys are enjoying the OBX. I haven't been in about 15 years, but Ryan was just in Morehead City about 3 weeks ago spearfishing and scuba diving. Your pics are great, makes me want to go back.
    I'm in Raleigh this week for a training session. Do you guys have any plans to head our way?

    Our love to you and safe travels.
    Tiffany (& Ryan :))

  2. Hi Tiffany (& Ryan :))
    We are heading north after the Outer Banks. We have never been on the east coast so we plan to get up to Maine, so we can get away from the heat.Wish we could see you all and still see the east. Sounds like Ryan is having fun with his sports. Enjoy you time in Raleigh. Thanks for your comments, and both of you take care.
