Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 2 at Frisco National Park Campground and Move to Sands of Time Campground in Avon, Outer Banks, NC.

I took this picture as the sun was setting. It gives you a better ocean view, that we had at the Frisco National Park Campground on site P65, in our backyard.

If we walked up the road a bit we could see a view of Hatteras Village to the south.

Day 2 at Frisco National Park Campground, was not a good one. I woke up in the morning at 9AM. I laid in bed and I noticed my upper right side of my abdomen was tender. I got out of bed and headed for the short walk into the living room. I told Joe my abdomen hurt and laid on the coach. It got worse, so I went back to bed, so I could stretch out better. After 30 minutes of pain, I asked Joe to go and get me some Pepto Bismol, because we were out.While he was gone the pain got worse, and if I had to compare the pain, I would compare it to labor. I knew it was not my appendix, because I had it removed about ten years ago. When Joe got back, I took the Pepto Bismol and three Advil for pain. I started to feel better, so I got up and got dress. I thought that maybe I didn't drink enough fluids the day before, and my plumbing was clogged up. I proceeded to gulp down some more water. In minutes I was in severe pain again and had to go back to bed. Then I felt nauseated and headed for the bathroom. To make a long story short, I continued to have severe pain and threw up three times. Joe had called a local nurse, and she suggested we go to the emergency room in Nags Head, which was over an hour away. We left at 12:30 PM. On the way there, the pain subsided and I fell asleep in the car, with my car seat laying back flat. The drive took one hour and forty minutes, because there was construction along the way. The pain I  was having rated a 10.    ( My sister Nancy, a nurse, said it was a 9 because I was not in tears) When we entered the hospital, it was about a pain level 4 . They admitted  me, and administered IVs with medicine to calm my stomach. I was also given I shot for nausea. They checked for gall bladder stones, and kidney stones. My blood work came back fine. They took ex rays for blockage, which showed OK. At 6 PM, the Dr. said we could either do a cat scan, to make sure I didn't have a blockage, or wait 24 hours to see how things went. We choose to wait, because I was feeling so much better. I was given two prescriptions, one for pain and one for nausea. We got home just before dark, and I continued to feel better. We still don't know what caused me so much pain. It was either something I ate, or my plumbing is getting more sensitive and I will have to watch what I eat.. I had ate some lettuce that Joe didn't eat the night before, that was getting old. I guess after 2 1/2 years on the road, somebody had to end up at the hospital for something, sooner or later. Just another adventure to add to our list!

The next day we packed up and headed for Sands Of Time Campground.about 20 to 30 minutes north.

There were no signs of the park at the two previous turning points, but two signs in the yard. Thank goodness our GPS was working good that day.

We were given site 33. This is a small mom and pop campground, but very neat and well kept.

While Joe was registering I was outside walking Mallery. I had notice there were birds chirping everywhere. After getting set up, I noticed all these bird house's just up from our site. All the house's are filled with birds. That's why I felt I was in a bird sanctuary, when we first arrived. We are presently here now, but will be leaving again, Wednesday or Thursday. We do not have T- Mobile phone service here either. But I am grateful to say I have internet service and the park also has free internet service.

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