Sunday, May 22, 2011

Frisco National Park Campground, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, Outer Banks, NC.

We got up and packed up to leave Frisco Woods Campground and Pamlico Sound. The sound looks like it has mist on the water,

but it is just the reflection of the clouds on the still waters.

We drove one mile south, then another mile east to the Frisco National Campground. This campground has no hook ups, so we are dry camping again. That is one reason we had gone to Frisco Woods Campground on the sound for a couple of days. So we could dump, and have electricity for a few days.

We had check this campground out while at our last back yard.  We had picked out this site, because it had cell phone service on this site with T- Mobile. Five bars at that! There were just about 4 sites with service and most of those sites were taken.

Our site was P65.

While Joe was leveling us up, I found these kind of flowers in my yard.

A cactus flower.

Our back yard was a little lower, with a picnic table and a sandy spot for a tent.

From the back yard you can see the boardwalk to the beach to the left and the sandy road for any trucks or jeeps that can handle the deep sand to the right. (And the ocean beyond - but does not show well in this picture)

A shot from our living room window.

A close up, so you can see what we saw. Now you can see the ocean. While setting up, we found that our slide would not go out completely. We decided the slide, side was up too high. Joe brought the slide back in, and lowered that side with the leveling jacks. We put the slide out again. It still would not go out completely. Joe though he would start the generator, to help get it out completely. After Joe started the generator, we realized we were not getting any juice from it. Not only wouldn't it help, get the slide out completely, we couldn't turn on lights, clocks, or the TV. Not good when you are dry camping. Joe checked his manuals, then called our trusty friend Jim. He has helped us out many time before.  He called the  last business that just checked out our generator near Myrtle Beach. The only answers we got, was it could be several things and we would need to see the next generator Onan Service Center. Joe wanted to get the slide back in, while we still had battery power, so he push from the outside while I turn on the slide switch. He had to push hard  to get it back in. After thinking about it, I ask Joe to try the generator again. I started thinking maybe, with our site being at such a steep slate, maybe there were wires under the slide that were being pinched, not making the connect. Joe turned on the generator and we had juice. We left the living room slide in and welcome the generator power. We don't know for sure if it was pinched wires or maybe the generator will not give you juice, if the slide is not completely out. At that moment all we care about was having the power.

Time to hit the beach.

At the end of the board walk we looked back for our Nest. Joe saw it, but I couldn't find it. He pointed it out to me. It is tucked behind some bushes and a tree, in upper center of the picture.

Here is a close up.  If you still can't see it,

how about closer yet! Now you can see it!

Before we headed down to the beach at the end of the boardwalk, I look north and saw the,

Cape Hatteras Light Station.

Now for some exercise! Walking and bending for shell.

Very beautiful beach, but the tide is coming in

A few trucks and fisherman scattered on the beach.

Lots of shells, though these pictures don't show it.

Dogs are allowed on the beach on a leash. We had just let Mallery off her leash for a bit here, where no one was around. When the waves come in, "she is out here", as you can see!

I tried to get a shadow picture of the three of us.Mallery's shadow is so short, and she likes to walk between us, and a bit behind. This was the best I could get.

We head back across the tire tracked beach to the boardwalk.

A beautiful park on a beautiful mid seventy day. Our only complaint was there were so many sand burs, around our yard. We were constantly bring them in on the bottom of our sandals and paws. We finally had to leave our sandals at the door. But then you would find yourself  stepping on burrs inside with bare feet, when someone would forget to take their sandals off, or paws were not checked well. Och!  We also found our first deer tick for the season on Mallery. yuck!

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