Monday, May 16, 2011

Outer Banks, NC, Ocracoke Day 2

After dinner, while I was doing dishes, Joe went out to the beach after dark. He came back and told me he had seen all these crabs on the beach. He wanted to know if I wanted to go with him to see them. I am one who doesn't like to go out in the dark, but Joe said there were other people on the beach. We climbed the sand dunes with our flashlights and worked our way down to the beach. At first we didn't see any crabs. Then we came to a spot where every where we looked, we saw the ghost crabs. I had Joe shine a flashlight on one, so I could take a picture. My camera does not take good night pictures. It tends to blurr the picture. They would either run sideways away, or stand on their back legs and try to scare you. Two and a half years ago, when we stayed at Myrtle Beach, Joe tried to get me to go on the beach at night and I wouldn't. I wouldn't even go out next to the RV with the lights out, to see the stars. I think I impressed Joe this time going on the beach! I will have to admit, we were close to a full moon and that made it brighter out.

The next day it was much nicer out, with sunshine. I took another picture on the dunes before we walked on the beach.

Ocracoke Campground is very nice. The sites have some space between them, 

and not as many people on the beach.

Lots of shells and soft sand, but firm when you walk at low tide.

A beach flower in the dunes.

After lunch we went to the village, three miles back, to where the ferry brought us in, and parked the Honda.

As we walked the village I saw this old home on the main street.

We came to Howard Street, and walked down it. Joe said, he had read that Howard used to be the main street way back in the 1800's.

Howard Street, The street itself is mostly hard-packed broken shells.

An old cemetery.
When we got back to the main street again, I drug Joe to every little shop I could find in the village.

After our cruise around the shops, we drove out to where the ancestors of the wild pony's are kept. It was free, and Joe said he was glad he didn't pay anything for it, because they just looked like regular horses to us.

For dinner we went to the famous Howard's Pub.

Joe is eating his mussels here. he also got a plate of oysters. Do you like his white shirt? I talked Joe into buying it for himself.  I think he looks like summer!

I had the yellow tuna sandwich ( well done), with a lime mustard sauce and salad.

I bought Joe a fancy beer and myself a chocolate martini. This restaurant has a menu of over 200 different kinds of beer from all over the world. Joe drafts was $7 and my martini was $10.The total bill was $58. that is why we don't eat out much!

After dinner, we drove over to the Ocracoke Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Duck greeted us, as we got out of our car. I had some of my sandwich in a dogie bag, so I gave them some of my bread.

Mr. duck is quite dashing, but he looks to have has a problem with his left web foot.

The nations second oldest lighthouse still in use.

The non - rotating light is 75 feet above sea level and can be seen a full 360 degree up to a distant of 14 miles.

This twisted tree in front of the old light house keepers home reminds me of the twisted trees in Sedona, AZ. Except in Sedona, they said the tress were twisted from some kind of energy that is found in certain areas of Sedona. I guess they have that weird energy here too! 

The light house home is a private resident now.

A charming cat also welcomes us to the lighthouse.

The lighthouse was built in 1823 and is now run by electricity.

We left the light house and found this cute home/shop.

It's called the Ditzy Dames. I can relate!

We also found the General Store,

with these signs next to the main sign.

Stacks of crab cages.

We drove past the harbor where we came in on the ferry, and drove to a point where the sun was setting.

There were several photographers with their big camera's.

One took a picture of this. After he left, I took one with my point and shoot. I know he has a better camera, but either I should have zoomed in or I just don't get the shot!

There is a photographer with his tripod out on the rock levy, getting his perfect picture, but he is kind of ruining it for the rest of us. But he was there first.

When I took the series of this sailboat shot, I needed to zoom in to cut the photographer out, for my perfect picture. Joe said it was unbelievable that this sailboat would go by just at the perfect moment.

He is still out there.

And still out there! It was a very beautiful sunset!

As we headed home, we see the light house lite up.

We also see Silver Lake Harbor lite up with village lights.

I walked out on a dock for one last lighthouse picture.

And one more harbor view.

This is, " The Castle", a Bed and Breakfast on Silver Lake Harbor.

1 comment:

  1. Howdee! Wow..great campground and scenery! Expensive meal..YIKES. Wonderful Sailboat and sunset pictures! Looks like you two are having a super time!
    Where ya headed for the summer?
