Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Last Day at Ocracoke Island, Outer Banks, NC

Joe wanted to see some surfers. He asked where surfers go to surf.  He was told  to go to two different places. One was to turn down ramp 70 to the ocean. After about a mile on the road ramp 70, he realized, maybe we should turn around. The road became loose sand. We turned around, and as we headed back to the main road, I saw these baby ducks. I had Joe back up so I could see them.

I stayed in the car, so I would not scare them away.

I also stayed in the car because,

mom and dad were keeping an eye on me!

Mom and dad came up to the road, to let me know, I needed to back off.

We went to the second location and it was a shorter road but still deep sand. We parked the car and walked up to the beach. The only cars on the beach are four wheel drives. The picture does not show how deep the car and truck tracks are. There were no surfers around, so we turned to leave. Another reason we need to get a jeep. So we can go on beaches!

We head back toward the road,

and we see a car that was stuck in the sand. Joe went over to see if he could help. The protective cover to the oil pan, had got caught  under the sand, and they had already called a tow truck , coming clear from the mainland of NC. The owner said that his 4 wheel drive quite working.

When we got back to our car we drove around the island a bit. This was a section of the island where some homes and rental homes are located on canals. 

We stopped at the British Cemetery.

When we got back to the campground, Joe saw this snake and backed up to it. I asked him to get a picture of it.

The rangers told Joe earlier that there were no venomous snakes on the island. We had thought about going on one of the trails on the island, so I asked Joe to ask about alligators. I don't like to take Mallery, if alligators are around. That is when the ranger told Joe about the snakes on the island. 

I didn't think, Joe had taken a very good close up, so I got out to take one, and Mr. snake took off. 

In the afternoon we drove to a more secluded beach, north of the campground. On the way, a older man and women hailed us down. They had pulled off on one of the sandy ramp roads to the beach. When they realize, they should turn around, they got stuck in the sand. We didn't have any cell phone connection ( We haven't had any since we got on the island), so we couldn't call for them. Soon a four wheel truck came from the beach and was going to try to pull them out. We left them in good hands and found the beach we were looking for. We found all these holes in the sand.They were ghost crabs holes, where they stay during the day. Notice all the little crab tracks around the hole.

Ghost crab holes everywhere. I was shelling in the grave yard ( top of the beach where all the old shells are), and I had to dodge all the holes as I shelled miles of the beach.

Beach art someone or many people have put together.

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