Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ferry To Frisco Woods Campground on Hatteras Island, Outer Banks, NC

We left Ocracoke State Park Campground and headed north for about 8 miles to the end of the island.

We caught another ferry to island hop.

This ferry is much smaller and is free to Hatteras Island, or free from Hatteras to Ocracoke Island.

We saw 3 full  ferry's  heading for Ocracoke from Hatteras Island.

Our ferry is called Roanoke.

We quickly leave Ocracoke Island.

This time Joe is given both lanes to park.

I saw a lot of these, off to the west of us, and was asking Joe what they were. Someone from behind us, said they were duck blinds. He told us, people have to get a license to put them out in the water, and they have to be a certain distance from other blinds.

Mallery enjoyed being with us, instead of  being left in the bus.

A few hitch hikers.

The ferry ride is 45 minutes to Hatteras Island .

A lot of  big rentals houses all along the shores.

Time to find our next back yard.

A line is forming for the next ferry island hop.

Our next back yard is just down the road at the town of Frisco.

Joe goes in to register. Joe found this park in our Camp Club membership book. When Joe called, he was told that the discount wasn't being accepted anymore. Joe read to the young lady, on the other end of the phone, what the ad said, and said they should honor the discount. The lady said her boss told her they did not accept the discount anymore. She then said she could call her boss. Joe said he would appreciate that. He never heard back from the park by the next day, so I told Joe he should call them back. He got a different lady this time. She apologized that no one had gotten back to him, and said she would check into the matter. By the end of the day, he again had not heard back from the park. I told Joe, he should call them back., because the squeaky wheel gets heard. So he called back before five. The lady apologizes again for not getting back to Joe, and said, " Let me find out for you". She left the phone for a few minutes, and came back and said, " Yes you can have the discount" Joe credits me for encouraging him to keep calling back. He said he was going to just forget it.

As he registers I find a pretty flower.

Campground office and store from the road.

Joe pays $3 a day extra, for our waterfront site at site C-22.

There are also sites that sit next to a creek that drains into the sound.

We want to park facing the water, but the water, electric and sewer are in front by the water's edge and all our connection are at the rear of the bus. Joe had to go into the campground store to buy a sewer hose adapter to link our spare hose to the regular hose so we can reach the sewer. The adapter cost  $12 (at Wal-Mart the adapter would probably cost $4) A storm is coming, and Joe is racing to get us set up before it hits.

We got set up, and the rain starts a few minutes later. We would have paid $60 a night, but with the Camp Club discount we paid $30 a night. It was worth making several calls  for that savings. And what a back yard! The Pamlico Sound, the largest sound along the east coast at 80 miles long and 24 miles wide.


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