Thursday, June 9, 2011

Colonial Williamsburg, VA Part III 6/2/2011

One home had a pasture and these horses.

They came up to the fence, so I got to pet both of them.

Joe said they were probably the horses that pulled the buggy's.

This was my favorite home on the block. It has such a neat and clean look.

The side of the roads still had some of the cobble stones from the past.

 An old building turned into a business.

The right side of the old building in picture above.

After walking up and down the main street, we walked down the street behind it, where more homes were located. Most of them have wells,

and a little house in the back yard. Joe thought maybe they were servants homes or kitchens.

This was a pretty big home for it's time. It is called the St.George Tucker House.

View of it's left end of the house.

A great tree for some shade on a very hot day.

This home had a stream running under the left side of the house.

Better view of the part of home, that has the stream running beneath it.

We listen to one of the characters of  the 18 century. He told us that when a resident built a home, they had to fence their back yard in a certain amount of time. All the homes had fences in their back yards. I asked him why they had to fence in their yards. He said it was for their livestock.

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