Saturday, June 11, 2011

Duncan's Family Campground in Lothian, Maryland 6/3/2011

We left Williamsburg, VA taking Interstate 64 west, then interstate 95 north. After 20 miles
 north we took Hwy. 207 northeast.

Just before we crossed the bridge over the Potomac River, we stopped for gas. We had two very friendly people tell us we were smart to get gas in Virginia, because when we crossed the Potomac, the gas prices jump 20 cents.

On the bridge over the Potomac River, I notice these tire tracks. That looked pretty scary! Joe reminded me that George Washington crossed the Potomac River. I remembered that the Potomac was a historic river, but forgot why. Thanks Joe for filling me in!

The Potomac is not real pretty.

Across the Potomac River we enter into a new state to add to our list. We stopped at the Visitor Center, right after the bridge, as we entered into Maryland, for information and lunch.

After lunch we drove to Lothian, Maryland, a suburb of Washington DC. The miles to Lothian from the Visitor Center was not very much, but it took us a couple of hours to get there because of the heavy traffic. Our next stomping grounds, was Duncan's Family Campground.

While Joe registered, I walked Mallery and took pictures, so I could show you around. Nice big swimming pool, with a lifeguard on duty.

A playground for the little ones.

Miniature golf for the family.

Volley ball court for anyone who has any energy left after a day in the big DC.

Camp Store and Snack Bar.

Don't forget to brings some change to buy some fish food, from the fish food machine next to the pond.

The fish are waiting just for you!

The park also has a stage, for what, I'm not sure. They did have a cake and ice cream night at 6PM one night. We didn't get back from DC in time so we missed out. They also had a smores night. All you had to bring was your own stick. I am not a big smores fan, so we stayed home.

Here is the office where Joe went to register.

We were given site 47, a pull in site right across from the laundry. We would have done some laundry, since it was so conveniently located, but the washer and dryer were $2.00 each. A bit pricey for our budget. We could not find any park in the DC area that was with Camp Club or Passport America. We were able to use our Good Sam's membership, ( )which gave us a 10% discount. This park is pretty pricey for our budget at $46.50 a day. But what do you expect for Washington DC

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