Monday, June 20, 2011

Gettysburg Farm Campground, and Circle M Campground, PA.

I forgot these pictures of Gettysburg Farm, because they were in another file. I wanted to add them in before I wrote the blog on Circle M Campground. In this picture I am talking to my daughter, Alisha. We could not get cell service back at our camp site, but could get it at the petting zoo. She called me while I was feeding the baby goats, the goat feed that I had bought at the store in the campground.

Joe was talking to his mom, but took a couple of pictures of me holding and feeding the goat.

I asked the store employee what kind of goats were in the petting zoo. They said it was a farm goat. In other words they didn't know.

She decided to taste my shirt to see if it tasted better than her food.

She might be a pygmy goat.

I asked Joe to hold her so I could get a better picture of her.

Isn't she just adorable!

I forgot to show you the pool at Gettysburg Farm Campground. Very nice pool, but they were having problems with the filter system, so the water was a bit green.

There was a baby pool also.


Circle M Campground

Our three days were up so we hit the road. We came to this bridge that had road construction on it.

Joe said he didn't like the drive across it.

I agreed, and told him I wasn't enjoying it either. I couldn't see the side of the bridge, from my side window, only water below. I kept telling him he was doing a great job to ease his mind, as well as mine.

Our drive was very short. This campground was just south of  Lancaster, PA., outside of Millersville. This is another Thousand Trails Campground, so we stayed another three days.

 The campground is located on a curve, and our GPS said we still had .05 miles to go, when in fact, it was time to turn in. We just about missed the turn. If you are going to visit this park, the turn sneaks up on you fast. GPS are not always accurate.

The campsites are average. They are staggered, so you don't feel close to your neighbors. The sites are gravel, but most of the roads are paved.

We had site D-60. At this site we had cell service.

The campground has a restaurant that is open on Saturdays and Sundays.

The Chuck Wagon was not open when we were there.

They have a very nice pool,

and a baby pool.

This is the recreation room.

Nice playground next to the pool.

Covered miniature golf  close to the pool.

They have shuffle board, 

and a basketball and tennis court.

The park also has a short 9 hole golf course. Joe played every day that we were there. In fact on one day he played twice.  He said this was the best park to him, because the course was free.

They have a Fun Fort.

Inside the Fun Fort there is another playground.

A water slide into a pool is also in the fort,.

and an obstacle course on water.

A fort with spraying water is in the Fun Fort..

Water falls and another water slide also. My Nana kids would love this place!

And lastly it had an indoor swimming pool.                                                                                                                                        There was also, a lot of things to do in this area. This park is located in the heart of Amish Country. I would  liked to have gone to the town of Intercourse, which is the center hub of the Amish. Joe was busy golfing and I had things to do, so we never got there. I am sure we will come back some day and bring the Nana and Papa kids.

1 comment:

  1. I see you had taken a trip to Circle M. My family and I go there and every year and we will actually be going in a couple of days. I was wondering, I see there are signs up by the jacuzzi, was it not running when you were there?
