Monday, June 20, 2011

Gettysburg Farm Campground, Dover, Pennsylvania

Leaving Washington DC, we took I- 301 to I- 97 to Baltimore. Then we took I-695 NE around Baltimore. We jumped off  onto I- 795 N. North of Baltimore we went through several small towns and many turnabouts out on country intersections. We must have gone through at least five of them. We have seen turnabouts in towns but never in the country.

I missed the Welcome to Pennsylvania sign, because it was so small. So this will have to do. This is a new state for both of us.

Right away the thing that Joe and I noticed about the small towns, were that they looked very old and historic.

The house's were very close to each other and very close to the road.

We wondered how they built these two so close.

These had a lot of space compared to the other ones.

I believe we were in Hanover, PA, in this picture.
We would have stopped and tried the Famous Wiener Lunch, but it is not easy finding parking for this bus and our car, in short notice. If you are just driving through in a car, you might stop in and check it out.

 When we first got into Pennsylvania we hit rolling hills. I love rolling hills.  This section is more flat. But all in all this part of Pennsylvania, reminds me of Iowa. 

After a couple of hours of driving , we make it to our next neighborhood for three days. The roads were good all the way.  Because the prices are high, since we are in prime season, and on the east coast, Joe bought a one year membership with the Thousand Trails Camp Club, for the Northeast region. The cost was $500. We can stay free at all Thousand Trail Campgrounds in the Northeast region now. The only catch is if you stay longer than three days at any of the campgrounds, you can not go to another  Thousand Trails for two week.You can stay up to two weeks at any of them. Joe has a plan to get his $500 back and then some. Doesn't that sound like Joe!.

Gettysburg Farm Campground, a new Thousand Trail Campground.

While Joe checked in, I took pictures to show you around, while I walked Mallery. They have a miniature golf out in the front, by the registration and store.

Next to the miniature golf they had a playground.

In between the playground and the miniature golf they had a farm set for your family picture.

These buildings hold the registration, store, game room , and  pot luck lodge.

As we drove to find a site, we passed the basketball courts.

We drove past the back of the building toward the RV sites.

Our new address for three days was 244 Morning Glory Drive.

There was generous space between you and your neighbors.

But the roads and your driveway were gravel. Mallery doesn't enjoy walking on gravel. But she loved their green Iowa like grass!

After we got everything in place back home, we checked out  our back yard. Our back yard had a petting zoo, with rabbits,

and baby ducks and goats.

The baby goats are small enough to squeeze between the wires in the fence and sneak out to the grass.

There were chickens, and


We walked over to the pot luck lodge to check it out.

The lodge had a place to hang out by the fireplace, when it gets chilly in the fall.

The decor of course, is a farm.

We walked back to the petting zoo. Mallery wants nothing to do with the baby goats. I tried to introduce her to them, but she refused to get close.

Down at the far end of the park are the sheep.

We got back home and Mallery decides the pillows on the coach, were more suitable than her bed. Joe says Mallery and I are Princesses.


The next day we stayed home, we both were exhausted from all our sightseeing in DC, and needed a few days to chill. We did go up and see the baby goats again.

Joe said, " You are in your world"! I have a dream of living in the country, and having some dairy goats. I like goats milk, cheese and ice cream. I also would like to have some chickens for fresh eggs, and a vegetable garden. I basically would like to have a sustainable lifestyle where I could produce and grow some of my food.

A young girl from New York told me if I handed the baby goats some grass, they would eat out of my hand.

I had to go and say hi to mama goat also.

She was very sweet also.

We also had a baby calf on our farm.


We were going to go to Gettysburg, PA. today, but I got distracted talking to a neighbor who had a African Grey. An African Grey is a parrot. Since we have been traveling, I have had many experiences with meeting people with parrots. I would like a parrot also. As you can tell, I love animals. The neighbor that had the parrot told me that it takes three days to see Gettysburg. By the time we got ready to go it was 1:00. Joe didn't seem to be that interested in going, so we decided to check it out another time.

We both had lots of catching up to do, like mail, bills, order medicine and everyday life stuff, that kept us busy anyway. And if we wanted to, we could have gone on a free hay rack ride. 

This was our last day at the farm, so I went to the store and got a cup of ice cream, (they have a 6 flavor ice cream parlor in the store) and a $2.00 bag of  goat feed. Did I tell you they had horses and a donkey also.

The baby donkey is in the petting zoo. 

The farm also had a pig, but I forgot to get it's picture.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if my comment posted - so I'll re-post.

    This place is so cute! Hope you guys are having fun. Ryan and I will be in PA this weekend. We are going to Hershey on Friday and on Saturday we'll be picking up Ryan's new (to him) motorcycle in Sunbury. It's his big present for his 30th birthday next week.

    Love to you both.
    Tiffany & Ryan
