Monday, June 27, 2011

Timothy Lake North - Thousand Trails- Pocono Mts. PA.

We continue Joe's plan to recoup the $500.00 we paid in to join the Thousand Trails membership. We drive what has to be the shortest distance we ever have and ever will, to our next campground. We left Timothy Lake South Campground and drove 1 mile north to Timothy Lake North. Here we are for three more days. 

Joe registered and we decided to find a site this time with no trees above us. We chose site C-22.  Our last day at Timothy Lake South, it rained  hard off and on, all day and night. Mallery is very afraid when it rains. But when it stopped raining, the trees above would drip onto the top of our Nest. We were up most the night with Mallery's shivering and constant roaming around in the bed, trying to calm down, between the rain and the drips.

Here is Timothy Lake. It is located down a short road from the registration office.

View from the dock. It's kind of a large pond also.

View looking the other way.

This is the road from Timothy Lake to the campground. It is only about a blocks walk.

We walked to the top of the hill from the lake, back to the parking lot in front of the registers office. This picture shows you  the outdoor pool and the water park building above the parking lot.

We walked up to the water park, so I could check it out. 

The rec room is first as you enter the building.

I found the water park farther in from the rec room. They have a water slide and a obstacle coarse.

The water park has a lazy river that floats around the water park. Quite impressive. I would love this campground if  I was a kid.

I walked out on the sun deck to see the outside pool below.

The other end of the pool has a walk in baby pool.

I walked back into the water park and found the Jacuzzi.

As I leave the inside water park, I found the grill.

Outside the water park is a large patio area. The second night we were there, they had a DJ, from 8-11pm on the patio. We walked Mallery around 8:30. The young school kids were having a great time.

Off the patio, there is also a small store and activity center, in these buildings. We thought this was a very nice park for family situations. Our only complaint was that they did not seem to take care of the grounds very well. Very long grass in many places and a lot of the cabins are in need of painting. I know it had been raining a lot here, but the last day we were here, it was a beautiful day and every thing had dried out. Yet no one was mowing the grass. The inner roads had huge pot holes also.


  1. oh my goodness, i used to go to timothy lake with friends who built a summer cabin up there - this was back in the lat 50's, early 60's - the lake was not usable and full of tree stumps - there was a large inground pool and clubhouse - brings back so many memories!!

  2. Camping in Timothy Lake north was the worst experience i had one worker there is a complete racist they need to get rid of her because we are Indian she comes every night to our site and complain about everything yet other people making alot of noise bright lights cursing and so on the toilet facility is terrible not fit for human to use imagine i recommend someone to take membership from thousand trail and with this experience i feel so bad please get rid of that woman she works the 4th july weekend in the night plus they tell you quiet time is 11 clock but that time means its ok for people to steal from you thats what it means.

    1. Hi Anonymous, I am sorry you had a bad experience at this campground. I posted your comment, so that maybe management might see it and maybe your complaint might be checked out.

  3. when I had a seasonal someone actually stole a fire pit made from block
    the place is out of control
    the staff didn't do much at all
