Sunday, June 26, 2011

Timothy Lake South - Thousand Trails Campground In the Pocomos Mountains, PA

It was time to put some miles behind us, so we hit the road again.

We took I- 78 NE toward Allentown, PA.

To the north, we could see the Appalachian Mountains.

At Allentown we turned north on Hwy.33, toward the mountains.

After a couple hours drive, we arrive at Timothy Lake, north of East Stroudsburg, PA.

This campground is at about 900 ft. in the Pocono's Mountains.

As Joe registered I checked out the campground.

This is the registration building and store where Joe registered. 

Another view of the registration and store, and the laundry to the far right. The laundry room was very clean, but a bit pricey. 

We drove all over the park, but could not find cell service, so we chose this spot close to the office. Joe saw someone else had a satellite set up close by, so we chose this spot.

For three days we lived at 70 Kittatinny Drive.

This is a very nice park, and not to woodsy, but with some trees between the sites.

The next day we were driving to the Visitor's Center and saw these fawns along the road, with their mother.

As we got closer, they took off.

A gas station employee gave us direction to go down River Road to find the Visitor Center.

The employee told me the Visitor Center was on the right on River Road , before the interstate. There was no sight of it when we reached the interstate. After going beyond the interstate, we turned around. Somehow after we turned around we found ourselves on the interstate, heading east. We found an exit and got turned around again, and headed back west. We had to go through a toll for less than a mile of driving  at a cost of  75cents. Joe asked the toll employee where the Visitor Center was, and he told us to turn at the next exit.

At least I finally got a picture of the, " Welcome To Pennsylvania" sign. We  must have gone into New Jersey for a few miles before we got turned around. Our first trip into New Jersey and it was only for one mile. I guess we won't call that a new state for us.

We finally get to the visitor Center. Pennsylvania, State of Independence. It was on the left, of River Road, with no signs from the direction we had been driving.  We got some maps and directions to Scotrun, PA. We wanted to check out a campground we planned to go to in this area for seven days. We got to the campground, and after checking it out, we decided we would make changes in our reservation. The campground was very woody, and there were not very many sites left. Joe also couldn't find any satellites out, so he didn't want to spend seven days without TV. As we left, it started to rain. Our next stop was to find a farm that I had read about on the internet, that sold raw goats milk. We found the farm, and we purchase some fresh eggs, goat cheese and pork chops. Unfortunately I was unable to get goats milk, because they were not licenced yet to sell it. We were going to do some sightseeing also that day, but not only was it raining, but now it was pouring cats and dogs.

When we arrive at our campground, the rain had stopped. We saw some more fawns and their mother, at the entrance. We wondered how Mallery was doing. Storms make her very anxious. 

We always leave two windows open at about eight to nine inches, so that if for some reason the electricity would go out, she could get some air, or bark for help. We were also worried about the rain coming in the windows. We arrived home, and Mallery was fine and no rain had come in. We were blessed! Thank you God. The trees above our Nest kept the rain from coming in.


  1. All the pictures are heart touching and fabulous. Hope I would have been a part of the great journey.

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