Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 Cats Restaurant & Jordon Pond Trail

On our fifth day in Acadia National Park, we went to Two Cats for breakfast in Bar Harbor. Our  friends Dawn and Jeff recommended this place.

You can eat inside or out on the porch.

We left Mallery out in the car, and sat on the porch so I could keep an eye on her. It was cool on the porch, so I had to wear a jacket.

Joe is happy, because I told him, I would buy our breakfast.

This is one of the cats the restaurant was named after.

The cafe only serves breakfast, but serves until 1:00PM

This is George, one of the cats. I never saw the other cat.

After breakfast, we went to Jordon's Pond to walk the Jordon Pond Path.

The first two thirds of the the length of the pond was on a board walk.

You have to watch your feet the whole time, because it is narrow, and you had to keep each foot on one board. When you ran into other people coming from the other directions, you had to step off the boards, so they could pass,or vise versa.

While walking on the boards, I saw two mushrooms real close to each other.

Across the pond there was a large flock of birds.

The Jordon Pond Path is a 3.2 mile loop.

Mallery walked most of the path on this side of the pond.

Then we came to the rocky part of the path.

Mallery was able to jump from boulder to boulder as well. She was really enjoying the walk. Most of it was in the shade.

This picture shows you how clear the water was. You can see the large boulder further out in the pond.

Looking back toward where we came from. From this point we are unable to see the whole pond.

Still walking the boulder path, but relatively easy.

We finally get to the gravel path.

It was so nice doing a hike and not worrying about bears!

There were a couple of kayaks on the pond.

Almost to the other end of the pond.

Once we crossed the bridge, we start back on the other side of the pond. 

This trail is rated moderate.

On the other side of the pond, we look back toward the bridge.

This side of the pond was mostly in the sun,

but the path was much easier to walk on than the boulders and the two board boardwalk.

We passed a couple pushing a stroller, and hoped they were planning on turning around and coming back the same side, or they were going to have a rough time.

I decide to carry Mallery the rest of the way, because I wanted a good night sleep, not worrying about her and her trachea problems. She wanted to continue the hike, but I made her ride in the front pouch.

We cross the end of the pond , and nearing our starting point. My left foot was becoming numb, so I was glad we were almost done.

View of out flow of the pond.

Back at the view of  Bubble Rock.

Lots of people either ending or beginning the trail. It was the weekend, and parking was not easy to find for this hike.

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