Sunday, August 28, 2011

Kayacking & Seal Cove in Acadia, ME.

Joe and I have been wanting to try kayaking. Kayaking is big at Acadia, so we decided to give it a try. Doesn't Joe look good in his spray skirt!

The kayaking business bussed all of us to Frenchman's Bay. It was a beautiful day, until we got to the bay.

We chose Coastal Kayaking Tour as our guiding tour. There are many different kayak guided tours in Acadia to chose from.

It was real foggy and you could not see vary far to enjoy the kayaking. There are only six sets of two people to the one guided tour. We managed to get the worst possible group of people to be kayaking with. The entire group consist of  20 and 30 year olds, and then there was us, the two upper fifty year olds. Our guide was also a young 20 year old girl. Guess who was always pulling up the rear? 
As we pulled up to the Burnt porcupine Island the fog cleared.

Joe and I enjoyed kayaking, but just not with this group. We felt all we did was paddle constantly to keep up. We never had time to take pictures or just look around and rest a bit. Because we were always last, the guide would stop for a bit so we could catch up, and then continue when we caught up. Everyone else got a break, while waiting for us. Why couldn't we had had a dad and his kid, or another older couple like us. At the island we had our lunch and then we got back in the kayaks. By the way, if you have to go to the bathroom, be sure to do it before you leave land, because once on the island, you are told you can only go on the beach and not in the woods. That's fine for guys, but not for girls.

Another group of kayaks left the island that we were on, but further down the beach. They were from a different company.

A sail boat went by, while we were on the island.

You can't see them very well, but there were lobster buoy's everywhere off in the water.

Our guide helped push all of us out into the water, and then we had to wait for her. It gave me time to get my camera out of the dry bag.

I turned around and got Joe's picture. You can see how his spray skirt hook to the kayak. 

Then Joe took a picture of me. I got the worst spray skirt. Mine was wet when I got it. It was not plastic like Joe's.  Mine leaked like crazy and I was soaking wet by the time I got to the island. 

The green bag in the front of our kayak is our dry bag. Our kayak company gave that to us for our trip.

After we left the island, our guide took us around the island. On the other side of the island, we went through some pretty high waves for kayaks. The group got way ahead of us on this part of the trip. Joe was not happy with our guide, because  he thought the guide should have slowed the pace during this part of  the route, with two newbies at sea.

Joe's and my lower back were really hurting on the return trip. I was also wearing down in energy, so Joe was having to pull my weight most of the time coming back.

All in all we enjoyed kayaking, but wished we had taken the shorter, 2 1/2 hour trip, instead of the 4 hour trip.Our group pulled into shore 20 earlier than our set time. Paddle time was about 21/2 hours!  The brochure stated, that all beginners were welcome, so we though the trip would have been at a slower pace. I guess we needed to look for a group that stated beginners and old farts are welcome!

Now that we know how to kayak, we will just rent them and go on our own.

As we head to our landing spot we see the fog where we left it.

After kayaking we decide to take hwy 3 to the Northeast Harbor. On the way we saw a sign for a farm stand. Not what we had expected. We were expecting vegetables. This guy was selling pork. These guy's were going to another farmer.

As we drove on Hwy 3, we came to Seal Harbor.

Seal Harbor Beach

View back to where I had taken the first pictures of the bay.

There were a few islands out in the bay.

We continued on our way to Northeast Harbor, and saw a, "For Sale" sign and flyer for this lot.

We walked down to the dock.

View from the dock.

We headed back toward the hill. If you own this property, you will get a great workout every time you come down to the dock, and go back to your home. The property is yours for a mere $1,600,000! 

We just arrived in Bath, Maine area this morning and will be here for four day. We are going to wait out the  rain and winds from Hurricane Irene here! I am glad to have phone and internet connect, while being socked in.

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