Monday, August 15, 2011

Crawford Notch Depot & The Willey House, White Moutains, NH

After visiting Mount Washington Hotel we drove to Crawford Notch, which is located east of the hotel on highway  302.

Joe went over to read the sign about the old hotel that use to be located up the hill from the depot.

The 3rd Crawford House also burned down in 1977.

The old depot building, for the guests coming to the Crawford House Inn. Now used as restroom.

This part of the old depot has a small gift shop in it.

The train comes and goes between the Crawford Notch and North Conway.

A view of the Crawford Notch and  the old depot. You can pick up the Appalachian Trail at the Crawford Notch.

Across from the depot, is a small pond that has a trail that goes half way around it.

Next we drove up to the lookout point of the Crawford Notch.

Further east on highway 302 there are pull outs for Silver Cascade.

Not too impressive this time of year, but in the spring, I am sure they are much nicer. People were sitting on the hill and gathering wild berries.

Our next stop was the Willey house. Across the road from the Willey House is a pond with a bridge to the other side.  On the other side of the pond, is Mt. Webster at 3,910 ft. The trail head  for a couple of hikes, are also located across the pond. 

Bridge to Mt. Webster and trails.

A nice picnic area across the pond also.

Mt. Willey is located  behind the Willey House across the highway from the pond. The Willey House is a gift shop with a snack bar.

View of Crawford Notch from the east side.

It was time to head back toward home, but we stopped at the pull out in front of Mount Washington Hotel, as we were driving by.

Such a beautiful hotel and view!

View of the mountains to the east of the hotel. The tallest one is Mt. Washington, the mountain we visited the top of.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! You captured the Mt Washington Hotel in the previous post, beautifully. The clouds that day were awesome.
