Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stony Brook Campground, Hanover, ME.

While still at Apple Hill Campground in Bethlehem, NH, I was outside brushing Mallery's hair. I had her on the table, and I was standing at the end of the table while brushing her. I heard a growl, and turned around to see....

 this black bear in the camp site across the road from us. I picked Mallery up, and yelled bear and ran inside the RV. Joe was inside and ran to the door as I came in, and said, " Where" ?

As we looked out the door, she was walking  through the lot right next to us.

Then her cub came walking behind her. When I saw the bear, I had not seen the baby bear behind her. I was so glad she growled, because if she had not, she would have walked right by be, and would have scared me more than she had! I am not sure why she growled. I think she growled at her cub to catch up with her, or she growled to let me know of her presence.

Here the cub starts to run to catch up with it's mama bear.

I was standing at the end of this table, and the mother bear walked right by the stump and bushes in the next lot.  I had just got back from walking Mallery all by my self around the park, before I put her on the table for a brushing. Joe usually walks with me, when we walk Mallery, but he was busy doing something else, so I had gone alone. On all our walks in the park, Joe always made fun of me, because I was always looking over my shoulder, for bears. The park is surrounded by a lot of woods. He said he couldn't  make fun of me anymore!

We were getting packed up to move to our next address, the next day. While Joe was unhooking the RV, I walked over to the stump, the bear walked by. I saw this large fungus growing on the stump. It was much larger than my hand.

This yellow jacket was also on the stump.  He sure is wearing a fuzzy coat for the warm weather we have had lately!

We left Bethlehem, NH heading east on highway 302 to highway 115, and then turned north for a few miles. 

Highway 115 took us to highway 2. On highway 2, we turned east again. We drove north of Mt. Washington.

We had a beautiful day for the drive, with mostly good roads for being on a two lane road.

We enter  into Maine, for the first time for both of us. I almost missed this small sign.

Our stopping point was only about 10 miles past the Maine border.

Stony Brook Campground snuck up on us and we drove passed it.

The GPS said we had .2 more miles before the turn.

Don't worry if you miss the turn, because, the next road will take you into the park, from the back. Just be sure to go up the road to the right, as the road to the left is very steep and has many ruts in the road.  After getting into the park, we decided that we would leave the same. The road we missed coming in from the front was pretty ruff with large deep ruts also.

Someone saw us coming in from the back and led us up and found someone to call the office to get our site number. All of the RV sites are pull through, on the top of a hill. The office is at the bottom of the hill.

After we got hooked up at site #49, Joe went to the office to register.

This is the view we had from our front door.

When Joe got back from the office, we walked around the park, so Joe could get the lay of the land and Mallery could smell and mark her new territory.

The park had a nice clean pool , behind the big RVs.

The sun was setting as we walked around the park, so the pictures are a little dark.

The tents and smaller trailers are in a section farther back in the park. You would not even know this part of the park existed, if you didn't explore the park or look at the map. This section has a activity building.

Also in this area was the playground and volleyball pit.

 As well as the shuffle broad and miniature golf.

The park is a member of Passport America, so we paid $17 a day.

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