Sunday, August 7, 2011

Loon Mountain Resort Zipline, North Conway, and Conway Lake

Our first day at North Woodstock, NH, we decided to drive the Kancamagus Highway into the White Mountains of NH. We decided to stop at the Loon Mountain Resort, located just outside of Lincoln, NH.

They have a rock wall, bungee trampoline, round trip zipline, gondola sky rides, bike rentals, for a package deal of $44. I just wanted to do the zipline, which cost $26. Joe said it didn't look like is was $26 worth of fun for him, so he passed.

My only recommendation is not to wear skorts ( shorts attacted to a skirt ), because it is not too becoming on you when you have to put on the zipline gear. I was told by a girl instructor, when I just asked about the ride, not to stand on the platform too long . She said the longer you stand there, the more intimidating it becomes. You are suppose to run and jump off.

Well I stood there too long and could not run and jump. You could sit and jump, which was what I ended up doing.

You are told to keep your feet up for the landing on the other side. I guess I kept my feet up the whole time.

Once you got to the other side, you climbed to the top of the platform and do it again to get back. I told myself, I would run and jump coming back, but I just couldn't do i!. That is the hardest part, the leap of faith. The rest is easy. When you come in to land there is quite a jerk. They have warning that if you have neck or back pain, it is not a good idea to do it. I do have issues with my neck, but I just had to try it anyway. My neck did hurt a little more the next day, but just for one day.

Our next stop was at Pemigewasset overlook.

On a clear day you are suppose to see for miles.

As you can see it was not a clear day.

This overlook is almost to the summit. We came up here another day that was much clearer. You will see the difference.

We decided not to make anymore viewing stops, that day and just drive to the town of North Conway.

North Conway is north of Conway. It  has a population of 2, 349. It sits in a bowl with mountains all around it.

North Conway is a year round resort area.

We brought Mallery this day because we knew we would be just sight seeing.

The yellow house across the street was built in the 1800's.

When we walked by it earlier, I had forgot my camera.

The town had many little shops and was very busy with tourist.

Mallery is always a big hit when we bring her in her stroller. In this picture, someone had stopped us and want to take her picture, so I took one too while waiting. We get lots of comments like, " she is not spoiled at all"! In reality it is best for her, because she loves being with us, but gets very nervous with all the noise and walking by feet. She also wears out real fast, so I end up carrying her otherwise. This stroller has been the best $100 investment, I have spent, since we started traveling.

This is a view of the train station in North Conway. A Ben & Jerry's Shop is to the right of the railroad station, if you like to get flavors that are only in the Ice Cream Shops.

A close up of previous picture. The train goes to the Crawford Notch area of the White Mountains National Forest, on it's longest run.

The Conway Scenic Railroad, has one route that is a 55 minute round trip.The other route is a 1 hour & 45 minutes round trip. Depending on which route, time and seating assignment, the rate for adult runs from $24.00 to $45.00. They also have a sunset route on certain days. Well behaved dogs are allowed on the train.

After our visit to North Conway, we decide to check out Conway Lake. We found a road that took us around part of the lake.

Joe spotted a place where we could walk from the road to the lake, to get a view.

Conway Lake is very clear as you can see. It is 4 miles long and 1 1/2 miles wide. It covers1299 acres, and the inflow comes from Snow Brook.

A look back at our short hike through the woods from our car. There was a path all ready here for someones canoe.

The lake has one small public beach

From the public beach the lake looks smaller than it is.

A look toward the public beach.

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